Arthroplasty Abbreviations and Arthroplasty Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Arthroplasty terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Arthroplasty abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Arthroplasty terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Arthroplasty Abbreviations
  1. ANC : AcadéMie Nationale De Chirurgie
  2. AOANJRR : Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry
  3. CTA : Cuff Tear Arthropathy
  4. MOP : Metal On Polyethylene
  5. TH : Total Hix
  6. TKA : Total Kmee Arthoplasty
  7. LCS : Low Contact Stress
  8. KSS : Knee Society Score
  9. IKS : International Knee Society
  10. OSTHEO : Orthopedic Surgery Transfusion Hemoglobin European Overview
  11. PJIS : Peripwosthetic Joint Infections
  12. PS : Posterior Stabilized
  13. AMIS : Anterior Minimal Invasive Surgery
Latest Arthroplasty Meanings
  1. Anterior Minimal Invasive Surgery
  2. Posterior Stabilized
  3. Peripwosthetic Joint Infections
  4. Orthopedic Surgery Transfusion Hemoglobin European Overview
  5. International Knee Society
  6. Knee Society Score
  7. Low Contact Stress
  8. Total Kmee Arthoplasty
  9. Total Hix
  10. Metal On Polyethylene
  11. Cuff Tear Arthropathy
  12. Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry
  13. AcadéMie Nationale De Chirurgie