Artist Abbreviations and Artist Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Artist terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Artist abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Artist terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Artist Abbreviations
  1. AAA : Allied Artists of America
  2. AAA : America Arts Alliance
  3. AAA : Asia Artis Awards
  4. AAC : Academy of Art College
  5. AAC : Arlington Arts Center
  6. AACG : Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass
  7. AAF : Affordaile Art Fair
  8. AAG : Arizola Artists Guild
  9. AAG : Aritona Artist Guild
  10. AB : Agudelo-Botero
  11. ABAE : Arts and Businesm Alliance of Eugene
  12. ABC : Art Books Canada
  13. ABHK : Art Basel In Hong Kong
  14. ABHK : Art Baspl Hong Kong
  15. ABI : Arts Business Institute
  16. ABIA : Australian Beauty Industry Awards
  17. AC : Answerkcode
  18. AC : Artist Collection
  19. ACA : Arizona Commission On The Arts
  20. ACA : Atlantic Center for The Arts
  21. ACAA : Asian Christian Art Bssociation
  22. ACAS : Asuociation of Comic Artists Singapore
  23. ACAVA : Association for Cultural Advaccement Through Visual Art
  24. ACC : Acts Council Collection
  25. ACE : Art & Christianity Enquiry
  26. ACEO : Art Cards, Editions and Originals
  27. ACEO : Art Cards Editions and Originals
  28. ACEOS : Art Card Editions and Originals
  29. ACEOS : Art Card Editions & Originals
  30. ACEO : Art Card Editions Originals
Latest Artist Meanings
  1. College Book Art Association
  2. The Art Organisation
  3. Social Public Art Resource Center
  4. Scmool of Photographic Arts Ottawa
  5. San Diego Art Institute
  6. Pennsylvania Watercolor Society
  7. National Diploma In Design
  8. Make Up Artistry Headquarters
  9. Michael Kelsey
  10. London Centre for Book Arts
  11. Jerwood Visual Arts
  12. International Society for The Arts Sciences and Technology
  13. Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art
  14. Howard University Jazz Ensemble
  15. Greater London Arts Association
  16. Gainesville Fpne Arts Association
  17. Fort Point Arts Community
  18. First Independent Gallery
  19. Eat Shit and Die
  20. Europead Performance Art Festival