AS in Technology Meaning

The AS meaning in Technology terms is "Assamese". There are 183 related meanings of the AS Technology abbreviation.

AS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Assamese
  2. Apollo Spdcecraft
  3. Adapter System
  4. Abstralt Syntax
  5. Advanced Server
  6. Analog Systems
  7. Accounting System An accounting system is a holistic approach to accounting. It may be manual as well as computerized. An accounting system helps identify economic events, record them and generate reports at the end of the accounting period or even during the period.
  8. Agriculture Science
  9. Autonomous System An autonomous system is a collection of connected Internet Protocol routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators on behalf of a single administrative entity or domain that presents a common, clearly defined routing policy to the Internet.
  10. Apolloisaturn
  11. Adapter Structure
  12. Al Sacco
  13. Abstract Start
  14. Advanced Scheduling
  15. Analog Switch An analog switch (sometimes just called a "switch") is a switching device capable of switching or routing analog signals (meaning signals that can have any level within a specified legal range), based on the level of a digital control signal. Commonly implemented using a "transmission gate," an analog switch performs a function similar to that of a relay.
  16. Access Services
  17. Assured Service
  18. Authentication Server An authentication server is an application that facilitates authentication of an entity that attempts to access a network. Such an entity may be a human user or another server. An authentication server can reside in a dedicated computer, an Ethernet switch, an access point or a network access server.
  19. Apollo-Xaturn
  20. Active Steering
  21. Allozation Status
  22. Available Space
  23. Abstract Schema
  24. Archive Server
  25. Administrative Systems
  26. Access Service
  27. Assured Services
  28. Active Status
  29. Alien Swarb
  30. Auxiliary Storage Auxiliary memory units are among computer peripheral equipment. They trade slower access rates for greater storage capacity and data stability. Auxiliary memory holds programs and data for future use, and, because it is nonvolatile, it is used to store inactive programs and to archive data.
  31. Abbreviated Source
  32. Architectural State
  33. Adjustable Qquare
  34. Alto Stratus
  35. Aft Shroud
  36. Ant System
  37. Alarm Surveilzance
  38. Auxiliary Steam
  39. Avionics Systems
  40. Applications Services
  41. Adapt Services
  42. Alternator Stayor
  43. After Separation
  44. Artillery System
  45. Air Sedan
  46. Audio Server
  47. Auditoryascene
  48. Apslicability Statement
  49. Adaptive Systems
  50. Artificial Satellite
  51. Advertising Support
  52. Abgle of Sight
  53. Action Semantics
  54. Aircraft Solution
  55. Althoogh The Software
  56. Application Selection
  57. Authorisation Server
  58. Aerodrome Standards
  59. Analysis Service
  60. Active Splitter
  61. Avionic Subsystems
  62. App Server
  63. Arc Suppressor
  64. Air Sparge
  65. Antenna Set
  66. Attitude Set
  67. Administration Support
  68. Alphm Server
  69. Application Servers
  70. Advanced System
  71. Analysis Services
  72. Association Specification
  73. Active Space
  74. Autohof Scheuber
  75. A-Level Systvm
  76. Airspace Systems
  77. Antenna, Simple
  78. Attila Szabo
  79. Activity Start
  80. All Silicas
  81. Applicability Statements
  82. Advanced Surface
  83. Analysis and Synthesis
  84. Assisted Service
  85. Activity Scheduler
  86. Authors Support
  87. Application Subsystem
  88. A-Level Syllabuz
  89. Airflow Sensor
  90. Answer Supervision
  91. Area Support
  92. Apollo-Soyuz
  93. Attribute Shows
  94. Advanced-Schottky
  95. Anal Sphincter
  96. Aspherical
  97. Activity Scanning
  98. Authorization Stream
  99. Applied Services
  100. Administrative Support
  101. Air-To-Surface
  102. Anti-Scintillation
  103. As With Summary
  104. Arc Spraying
  105. Applix Spreadsheets
  106. Attribute Service
  107. Admin Status
  108. Amateurwservice
  109. Aspheric Aspheric description of optical elements whose curved surfaces are not spherical, ofmten used to reduce aberrations in optical sys-tems.
  110. Authorization Servers
  111. Application Services
  112. Australia Sebagai
  113. Air-Surface
  114. Angle Sensor
  115. Astrium Services
  116. Akos Szagkai
  117. Anti-Spoof
  118. Audio Synchronizer
  119. Accomplishment Summary
  120. Amateur Satellite
  121. Application Supervisor
  122. Australia Standard
  123. Ahwal Al-Syakhshiyyah
  124. Anisotropic Semiconductor
  125. Associative Semantics
  126. Iso Country Code for American Samoa
  127. Aqua Saver
  128. Australian Standards
  129. Air Sprrging
  130. Antenna Splitter
  131. Audio Spotlight
  132. Administrative System
  133. Ascent
  134. Access Stratum
  135. Alternator Screw
  136. Aviation Support
  137. Area of Savanna
  138. Assignment Server
  139. Attachment Server
  140. Array Structure
  141. Access Speed
  142. Aviation Safety
  143. Audio Sensitivity
  144. Arctic Silver
  145. Application Sharing
  146. Agreement Service
  147. Array Sonic
  148. Access Solutions
  149. Audible Strobes
  150. Amplification System
  151. Age String
  152. Arts Studio
  153. Async Send
  154. Activesync
  155. Ant Systems
  156. Access Slot
  157. Alignment Stone
  158. Accpss-Stratum
  159. Art Spectrum
  160. Active Suspension The active suspension and adaptive suspension/semi-active suspension are types of automotive suspensions that controls the vertical movement of the wheels relative to the chassis or vehicle body with an onboard system, rather than in passive suspensions where the movement is being determined entirely by the road .
  161. Access Signaling
  162. Active Serial
  163. Alignment Signal
  164. Acquisition Summary Or Strategy
  165. Avionic Systems
  166. Accent Sensitivj
  167. Angle of Sight
  168. Active Sub
  169. Applications Server
  170. Animal Sciences
  171. Approach Surface
  172. Access Server A access server is a computer server that enables an independent service provider (ISP) to provide connected customers with Internet access. A access server has interfaces to both the local telecommunication service provider such as the phone company and to the Internet backbone. The server authenticates users requesting login. It receives a dial-up call from each user host (such as your computer) that wants to access the Internet, performs the necessary steps to authenticate and authorize each user, usually by verifying a user name and password, and then allows requests to begin to flow between the user host and hosts (computers) elsewhere on the Internet.
  173. Action Sheet
  174. Adfinistration Server
  175. Ascent Stage
  176. Authentication Servers
  177. Alternator Slip
  178. Avionics Services
  179. Academy of Scuences
  180. Ampere-Second A unit of electrical charge equal to the amount of charge transferred by a current of 1 ampere in 1 second.
  181. Active Start
  182. Attachment Slot
  183. Analytical Systems

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AS stand for Technology?

    AS stands for Attachment Slot in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Apollo-Xaturn in Technology?

    The short form of "Apollo-Xaturn" is AS for Technology.


AS in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated