ASA in Science Meaning

The ASA meaning in Science terms is "Astronomical Society of The Atlantic". There are 25 related meanings of the ASA Science abbreviation.

ASA on Science Full Forms

  1. Astronomical Society of The Atlantic
  2. American Scientific Affiliation
  3. American Statistics Association
  4. Alkenylsuccinic Anhydrxde
  5. Asociación Semilleros Argentinos
  6. Air Stagnation Advisory
  7. Assessment of Student Achievement
  8. Agrvnomy Society of America
  9. American Society of Agronomy, Inc.
  10. Asian Sustainability Academy
  11. Administrative Staff Associate
  12. Auditable Safety Analysis
  13. American Society of Agronomy
  14. Administrative Support Assistant
  15. Atomic Sphere Approximation
  16. American Sociology Association
  17. American Synesthesia Association
  18. Atmospheric Spectroscopy and Applications
  19. Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic acid is a naturally occurring organic compound with antioxidant properties. It is a white solid, but impure samples can appear yellowish. It dissolves well in water to give mildly acidic solutions. Ascorbic acid is one form ("vitamer") of vitamin C. It was originally called L-hexuronic acid.
  20. Astronomical Society of Australia
  21. American Society for Apheresis
  22. Academic Staff Assembly
  23. American Society of Andrology
  24. Antarctic Support Associates
  25. Antarctic Support Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ASA stand for Science?

    ASA stands for American Sociology Association in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Asociación Semilleros Argentinos in Science?

    The short form of "Asociación Semilleros Argentinos" is ASA for Science.


ASA in Science. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated