ASBI Meaning

The ASBI meaning is "Adaptive Social Behavior Inventory". The ASBI abbreviation has 19 different full form.

ASBI Full Forms

  1. Adaptive Social Behavior Inventory
  2. Associazione Spina Bifida Italia Medical, Technology, Con, Italy, Cost
  3. Ameriana Bancorp Technology, Organizations
  4. Amencan Segmental Bridge Institute
  5. Amanah Saham Bank Islam
  6. Alliance for Secure Business Information
  7. Average Symptom Burden Index Medical, Patient, Cancer, Lung
  8. Amencan Segmental Bridge Institutetute
  9. Anti Social Behaviour Injunction Business, Service, Setting
  10. American Segmental Bridge Institute Technology, America, Design
  11. Anti-Social Behaviour Injunctions
  12. Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction Government, Building, Housing
  13. Alcohol screening and brief interventions Medical
  14. Anshe Sholom B'Nai Israel
  15. Ameriana Bancorp, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  16. Anholt State Brands Index
  17. Advisory Service for The Building Industry
  18. Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention Medical, Health, Practice
  19. American Shea Butter Institute Development, Study, Institutes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ASBI stand for?

    ASBI stands for Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention.

  2. What is the shortened form of Anshe Sholom B'Nai Israel?

    The short form of "Anshe Sholom B'Nai Israel" is ASBI.


ASBI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated