ASCOVIME in French Meaning
The ASCOVIME meaning in French terms is "Association des compétences pour une vie meilleure". There are 1 related meanings of the ASCOVIME French abbreviation.
ASCOVIME on French Full Forms
- Association des compétences pour une vie meilleure The goal of Ascovime is to facilitate access to health and education in rural areas of Africa and more particularly in Cameroon. The Ascovime itinerant hospital regularly stops in a remote village to carry out medical interventions and distribute medicines and school materials to the local population. Flexible and responsive, the association carries out an average of twenty humanitarian campaigns per year.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ASCOVIME stand for French?
ASCOVIME stands for Association des compétences pour une vie meilleure in French terms.
What is the shortened form of Association des compétences pour une vie meilleure in French?
The short form of "Association des compétences pour une vie meilleure" is ASCOVIME for French.
ASCOVIME in French. (2021, September 1). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
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