ASDP Meaning

The ASDP meaning is "Ancillary Services Dispatch Platform". The ASDP abbreviation has 32 different full form.

ASDP Full Forms

  1. Ancillary Services Dispatch Platform Medical, Business, Service
  2. Academic Surgeon Development Program Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  3. Anal Sphincter Dysplasia Medical, Technology, Medicine
  4. Atlantic Spatial Development Perspective
  5. Academia Semillas Del Pueblo Education
  6. Agribusiness Supplier Development Programme Technology, Indonesia, Ferry
  7. Azərbaycan Sosial Demokrae Partiyası
  8. Abbreviated System Decision Paper Military, Army
  9. Afghan Social Democratic Party
  10. Association of Sewing and Design Professionals
  11. Aajeevika Skills Development Programme Business, India, Mission
  12. Afghanistan Skills Development Project Technology, Management, Afghanistan
  13. Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs Science
  14. Aajeevika Skill Development Programme Technology, India, Mission
  15. Authorized Service Delivery Partner Technology, Presentation, Power
  16. Advanced Seeker Development Program Technology, Military, Stinger
  17. Asian Studies Development Program Technology, Asia, Study
  18. Authorised Service Delivery Partner
  19. Advanced Seeker Development Programme Military
  20. Automation of Structure Determination Platform Computing, Hardware
  21. Azərbaycanjsosial-Demokrat Partiyasının
  22. Automatic Securities Disposition Plan
  23. Agricultural Sector Development Programme Farming & agriculture
  24. Automated Sports Division Planner Science
  25. Azerbaijan Social Democratic Party
  26. Authorized Service Delivery Partners
  27. Azerbaijani Social Democratic Party Government, Group, Azerbaijan
  28. Authorized Services Delivery Partner
  29. Automotive Skills Development Program Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  30. Automatyczne Sterowanie DopłYwem Powietrza Technology, Jest, Jak, Dop
  31. Alabama State Docks Police Alabama, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  32. Automatic Sports Dive Planner Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ASDP stand for?

    ASDP stands for Alabama State Docks Police.

  2. What is the shortened form of Authorized Service Delivery Partner?

    The short form of "Authorized Service Delivery Partner" is ASDP.


ASDP. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated