ASGC Meaning

The ASGC meaning is "Air-Borne Surveillance, Ground Control". The ASGC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

ASGC Full Forms

  1. Air-Borne Surveillance, Ground Control Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  2. American Spirit Graphics Corp
  3. Academia Sinica Grid Computing Technology, Taiwan, Cloud
  4. American Sheep and Goat Center
  5. Al Shafar General Contracting
  6. Alice Springs Golf Club
  7. Alabama Space Grant Consortium Technology, Scholarship, Alabama
  8. Arolygiaeth Safonau Gofal Cymru
  9. Air Surveillance and Gun Control Console Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  10. Arkansas Space Grant Consortium
  11. Australasian Society of Genetic Counsellors
  12. Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Government, Organizations, Us
  13. Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati
  14. Association of Scout and Guide Centres
  15. Autism Society of Greater Cleveland
  16. Association of Scout & Guide Centres Activity, Conference, Scout
  17. Australian Statistical Geographical Classification Geography, Information System, Cartography, Geographic
  18. Associated Students of Grossmont College
  19. Australian Standard Geographic Classification Technology, Australia, Health
  20. Australian Standard Geographical Classification Medical, Australia, Locations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ASGC stand for?

    ASGC stands for Al Shafar General Contracting.

  2. What is the shortened form of Arkansas Space Grant Consortium?

    The short form of "Arkansas Space Grant Consortium" is ASGC.


ASGC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated