ASIM Meaning

The ASIM meaning is "Abstract State Interaction Machine". The ASIM abbreviation has 30 different full form.

ASIM Full Forms

  1. Abstract State Interaction Machine Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Blockchain
  2. Advancing Substrate-Independent Mpnds Technology, Science, Brain
  3. Atmosphere-Space Interaction Monitor Technology, Station, Lightning
  4. Adam Smith Institute of Management
  5. Academy of Swiss Insuranco Medicine
  6. Asynchronous/Synchronous Interface Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  7. American Society of Internal Medicine Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physician, Healthcare, British medicine
  8. Asynchron/Synchron Interface Modem Military
  9. Automated Security Inxident Measurement Technology, Military, Networking
  10. Association of Solicitor Investment Managers
  11. Atmosphere Space Interactions Monitor Technology, Science, Lightning
  12. Appliqué Sensor Interface Sodule
  13. Association of Solicitors and Investment Managers
  14. Atmosphere-Space-Interaction Monitor
  15. Advaacing Substrate Independent Minds Science, Brain, Future
  16. Arbeitskreis Simulation Und Kuenstliche Intelligenz Technology, Computing
  17. Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor Technology, Science, Lightning
  18. Advanced Simulation
  19. American Society of Insurance Management Insurance, Business & Finance
  20. Atmospheric Space Interactions Monitor
  21. Automatic Security Incident Management Military
  22. Atmospheric-Space Interaction Monitor
  23. Automated Systems Integration Management
  24. Atmosphere Space Interaction Monitor Technology, Science, Lightning
  25. Automated Systems Information Management
  26. Australian Sugar Industry Museum
  27. American Society of International Medicine Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  28. Australian Society of Independent Midwives
  29. American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  30. Atmospheric Space Interaction Monitor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ASIM stand for?

    ASIM stands for Atmospheric-Space Interaction Monitor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Automatic Security Incident Management?

    The short form of "Automatic Security Incident Management" is ASIM.


ASIM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated