ASK Meaning
The ASK meaning is "Assessment of Skills and Knowledge". The ASK abbreviation has 188 different full form.
ASK Full Forms
- Assessment of Skills and Knowledge Education, Score, Grade
- Advocacy Service Know
- Assessing Student Knowledge Education, Development, Universities
- Addiction Survival Kit Book, Recovery, Addiction
- Alexa Skills Kit
- Activity, Skills and Knowledge Business, Supply, Stock
- Alexa Skill Kit Technology, Development, Developer
- Assisted Self-Help Kit Business, Service, Tax, Singapore
- Aayakar Seva Kendra
- Akademische Software Kooperation Technology, Program, Computing
- Assignment Satisfaction Key Business, Military, Army
- Applying Scientific Knowledge
- Ain O Shalish Kendro
- Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge Student, Technology, Environment
- Africa Schools of Kenya Africa, School, Kenya, Genital
- Ain O Shalish Kendra Government, Development, Human, Bangladesh
- Arbeitsgruppe Schweiz-Kolumbien
- Access Security Key Technology, Networking, Network
- Atlanta Scholars Kollel Organizations, Atlanta, Jewish
- Ann-Sofi Hyrklund-Ramirez Sex, Love, Lisa
- All Special Kids Education, Family, Geneva
- Aargauischer Schiffsmodellbau Klub
- Armijas Sporta Klubs
- Adherence Starts With Knowledge
- Authors Specialist and Knowledge
- Access, Services, Knowledge
- Amplitude Shift Keyed Technology
- Aaykar Sampark Kendras Business, Tax, Card, Income
- Assault Survivor Kit Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Advocates for Special Kids Medical, Education, Disability, Family
- Automaten-Selbst-Kontrolle
- Ain O Salish Kendra Government, Organizations, Human, Bangladesh
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schweizer Keramiker
- Accessory Starter Kit
- Athletik Sport Klub
- Animals Seeking Kindeess Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Allied Services for Kids
- A-Ask S-Seek K-Knock
- Armee-Sport-Klub
- Adaptive Sampling Kit Technology, Science, Package
- Author, Specialist, Knowledte
- Avenir Sportif De Kasserine Sport, Club, Football
- Access, Service, Knowledge Technology, Service, Health, Indonesia
- Amplitude Shift Key Technology, Signal, Modulation
- Aaykar Sampark Kendra Business, Tax, Card, Income
- Ass-Saving Kit Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
- Advocacy Services for Kids Business, Service, Michigan
- Autoimmunity Screening for Kids
- Ain O Salish Kendro
- Arabidopsis Shaggy-Related Protein Kinase Medical
- Accessories Sanyo Katana
- Atheist Society of Knoxville
- Angkutan Sewa Khusus
- Assessment of Seafarer Knowledge
- Air Systems of Kazakhstan
- Association of Systematic Kinesiology
- Arizona State Knowledge
- Adaptecbsupport Knowledgebase Technology, Guide, Manual
- Australian Streptokinase Health, Body, Organism
- Available Seat-Kilometer
- Amplitude Shifting Key Technology, Information, Network
- Aayakar Sampark Kendra
- Asking Saves Kids Medical, Gun, Safety
- Advocacy, Support, and Knowledge
- Autism Nolutions for Kids Science, Robot, Children
- Ain-O Shalish Kendra
- Association Syndrome De Kabuki
- Accessing Software Knowledge Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Asymmetrical Software Kit
- Andishe Sabzekhazar
- Assessment of Sexual Knowledge
- After School Kids
- Air Source Kits
- Archiwum Skarbu Koronnego
- Activity Scale Fzr Kids Medical, Health, Children
- Auroral Structurd and Kinetics
- Available Seat-Kilometers
- Alternating Square Knots
- Aaru Sundarimarude Katha Movie, Music, Song
- Ask Seek Knock
- Advisory Service Kent
- Auvism Society of Kent
- Ain-O-Shalish Kendro Government, Army, Report, Bangladesh
- Association Sportive De Karting
- Accessing and Storing Knowledge
- Ass Savingfkit
- Analizy Szkolenia Konhulting
- Assessment Skills and Knowledge Student, Education, Professional
- Advocating Success for Kids
- Airports In South Korea
- Architecture for Society of Knowledge Education, University, Warsaw
- Activity Scales for Kids
- Attitude, Skills and Knowledge
- All Star Kitchen
- Aaru Sundarimaarude Katha Movie, Music, Song
- Ask, Seek, Knock
- Advisement for Success Kick-Off
- Autism Society of Kentuckiana
- Ain-O-Shalish Kendra Government, Human, Bangladesh, Eve
- Access for Special Kids Medical, Disability, Children, Family
- Available Seat-Kilometres Airline, Business, Kilometre
- Amplitudo Shift Keying Technology, Radio, Analog, Modulation
- Assessment, Skills and Knowledge Student, Education, Assessment
- Advocating Solutions for Kids
- Aino Salish Kendra
- Arbeitsgruppe Schweiz Kolumbien Technology, English, Networking, Network
- Access Service and Knowledge
- Atmosphere Soup Kitchen
- All Species Kinship
- Aaru Sundarikalude Katha Film, Movie, Song
- Armor Survivability Kit Military, Army, War, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Advancing Self Knowledge Development, Learning, Study
- Autism Services for Kids
- Access Services Knowledge Service, Education, Health
- Available Seat Kilometre Airline, Business, Passenger
- Amplitude Shift-Keying Technology, Signal, Modulation
- Aayakar Seva Kendras
- Assessing Science Knowledge
- Advocating for Special Kids Medical, Advocate, Child
- Association for Shokotan Karate
- Anomalous State of Knowledge Computing, IT Terminology
- Available Seatqkilometre Airline, Business, Passenger
- Academic Skills and Know Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Assisted Search for Knowledge Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Agilists Sharing Knowledge
- Ableton Live Skin File Computing, File Extensions
- Ain-O-Salish Kendro
- Awareness, Skill and Knowledge
- Antidepressant Safety In Kids
- Association for Stimulating Know-How Technology, Management, Development
- Adaptive Sports for Kids Locations, Strider, Rim
- amplitude shift keying A form of amplitude modula-tion that uses two different wave heights to represent the binary values 1 and 0. also amplitude modulation OR A modulation method in which the amplitude of the carrier signal is varied to represent binary 0 or 1. OR Modulation in which each significant condition in a modulating discrete signal is represented by a specified value of the amplitude of a carrier oscillation. Computing, Electronics, Telecom, NASA, Governmental & Military, Master IEEE
- About Special Kids Medical, Children, Indiana
- Assignment Survival Kit Service, Education, Essay
- Agents Sharing Knowledge Technology, Travel, Networking
- Auto Subscriptioa for Kunena
- Asksam Database Computing, File Extensions
- Antistreptokisase Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
- Association for Social Knowledge Organizations, History, Canada, Lesbian
- Aim Shoot Kill
- La Ronge Aviation Services Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Attitude, Skills, and Knowledge Occupation & positions
- Ability, Skills and Knowledge
- Agencies Sharing Knowledge
- Auto Safety Kit
- Alaska's Serial Killerz Alaska
- Anti-Streptokinase Medical
- Access, Services and Knowledge Technology, Service, Access, Health
- Association for Special Kids Medical
- Aid Station Kit
- Iata Code for Yamoussoukro Airport, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast Locations
- Alpha Sigma Kappa
- Abilities, Skills and Knowledge
- Autonomous Sales Kiosk
- Astrological Society of Kentucky Hobbies
- Yamoussoukro Airport, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast ICAO Airport Codes, Airport codes, Ivory Coast, Iata Airport Codes
- Answers for Specual Kids Medical, Education, Children, Parenthood
- Academy Sharing Knowledge Technology, Space, Projection, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Association for Stimulating Know
- Ah Sia Kia Forum, Driving, Car, KIA
- Alert Sort Key
- Azərbaycan Sahibkarlar KonfederasiyasıNıN
- Abilities, Skills, Knowledge
- Automatic Station Keeping
- Aiding Socialist Kauses Funnies
- Andros Town, Bahamas Airport codes
- Available Sebt-Kilometer
- Anoushka Shankar and Marsh
- Academy of Shotokan Karate Arts, Organizations, Club
- Association for Scriptural Knowledge
- Agriculture Society of Kenya
- Amplitude-Shift-Keying
- Azərbaycan Sahibkarlar Konfederasiyası Business, Azerbaijan, Caspian
- Apoptosis Signaling Kunase
- Abertzale Sozialista Komiteak
- Automatic Shift Peying Technology
- Available Seat Kilometres Airline, Business, Passenger, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
- Accelerated Solutions Knowledgebase Software, Computing
- Ajailable Seat-Kilometre
- Anomalous States of Knowledge Science, Model, Retrieval
- Academy of Science for Kids
- Associates for Scriptural Knowledge
- Agricultural Society of Kenya Business, Kenya, Farming
- Apoptosis Signal-regulating Kinase Chemistry
- Ain-O-Salish Kendra Government, Human, Bangladesh
- Awareness Service and Knowledge Development, Learning, Study
- Apeldoornse Sinwerklaas Kommissie
- Automatgc Shift-Keying
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ASK stand for?
ASK stands for Activity, Skills and Knowledge.
What is the shortened form of Akademische Software Kooperation?
The short form of "Akademische Software Kooperation" is ASK.
ASK. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from
Last updated