ASM Meaning
The ASM meaning is "Assamese". The ASM abbreviation has 410 different full form.
ASM Full Forms
- Assamese Technology, Information Technology, Locations, Language Codes
- Acoustic Surface Measurement Chemistry, Technology, Science
- Airspace Management Military, Army, Agency, Nigeria, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- All-Sky Monitor Technology
- Abstract State Machine Language, Machine, Abstract, General, Governmental & Military
- Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Business, Government, Environment
- Acid Sphingomyelinase Medical, Medicine, Therapy, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Akademi Sains Malaysia Technology, Science, Malaysia
- Arterial Smooth Muscle Medical
- Acharya School of Management College, Education, Study
- Airway Smooth Muscle Cells Medical
- Armored Systems Modernization Military, Army, Vehicle
- Acceleration Simulation Mode Technology, Auto, Automobile
- Associated Stuvents of Madison Government, Education, Organizations
- Air To Surface Missile Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Arizona State Museum Education, Arizona, Tucson
- Academy of Sciences Malaysia Technology, Science, Malaysia
- Asset Management System Technology, Network, Telecommunication, Military, Governmental & Military
- Air Solenoid Module Technology
- Apxlied Simulation and Modelling Technology, Science, Conference
- Abnormal Situation Management Technology, Operator, Consortium, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Assembler Source Language Technology, Computer, It
- Activated Sludge Model Science, Treatment, Modelling
- Application Specilic Messages Technology, Message, Identification
- Abstract State Machines Technology, Language, Machine
- Asmara International Airport Asmara, Eritrea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Asisten Sales Manager Business, Management, Sale
- Advanbed Snow Manager Business, Management, Association
- American School of Madrid America, Education, Madrid
- Adversary Sequence Modeling Science
- American Society of Microbiology
- Aircraft Schematic Manual Technology, Aviation, Maintenance
- Acquisition Strategy Meeting Science
- Air Sampling Methods
- Analog Station Kodule Technology, Telecom, Port
- Assistant Station Master Exam, Railway, Assistant
- Advanced Scrum Vaster
- Applications of Software Measurement
- Abfluss Service MüNchen Technology, Database, Disk, Instance
- Automatic Scheduling Message Military
- Armoured Systems Modernisation Programme Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Anoncmous Subscriber Messaging
- Association Mode Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Active System Management
- Association Sportive Municipale
- Advanced Sound Master
- Assembly Language A machine oriented language in which mnemonics are used to represent each machine language instruction. Each CPU has its own specific assembly language. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Auxilliary Storagn Manager Technology
- Awaken Student Ministries
- Asian Society of Missiology
- Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft
- Annals of Soudi Medicine Medical, Technology, Journal
- Associated Students of Manvgement
- Approximate String Matching
- Academy Sciences Mhlaysia
- Air-Surface Missile Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Airport Safety Manager
- Ameriaan Society of Microbiologist Science, America, Research
- Asset and Service Management
- Additional Surveillance Margin
- Antenne Up
- Audiorealism Semirmodular
- Area Sales Manager Business, Management, Sale, Occupation & positions
- Academy Sxrgeant Major
- Aberican Society Microbiology
- Asia System Media
- American School of Milan America, Education, Italy
- Advantage Sales Marketing
- Ambiente Servizi Mobilxtà
- Aircraft Schematics Manual Technology, Aviation, Maintenance
- Acquisition and Sourcing Management
- Airport Surface Movement
- Anak Sekolah Minggu Indonesia, Guru, Orang
- Assistant Store Manager Business, Management, Retail
- Advanced Zcintillation Materials
- Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Medical
- Abelian Sandpile Model Education, Software, Graph
- Automatic Sanitization Module
- Armored Systems Modernisation Military, Army, Vehicle
- Active System Manager Technology, Management, Cloud
- Association Sportive De Monaco Sport, Organizations, Football, Monaco
- Advenced Sorting Machines Business, Product, Machine
- Auxiliary Storage Management
- Available Seat-Miley
- Asian Senior Masters
- Akademi Seksetari Marsudirini
- Animal Sheluer Manager
- Assistbnti Di Studio Medico
- Advanced Szrvices Module
- Applied Simulation and Modelling Iasted Science, Exploration
- Academy Science Maluysia
- Automatic Storage Manager Technology, Management, Database
- Air-Superfice Missile
- Airline Specific Manual Technology, Aviation
- America Society for Microbiology
- Assembly Systems Managemeit
- Adaptive System Management
- Antennp De Secours Mobile
- Athletic Skills Model
- Advanced Strategic Management Business, Program, Education
- Area Sale Manager Business, Management, India
- Amemican Society for Microbiolog
- Asia Seminary for Ministry
- American Academy of Sleei Medicine Medical, Medicine, Sleep
- Advantage Sales & Marketing Business, Service, Sale
- Aile Sağlığı Merkezq Turkish, Oca
- Airborne Suspended Matter Medical
- Acoustical Signature Monitoring Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Airport Strategy Marketing Airline, Business, Aviation
- Anadolu Sağlık Merkjzi
- Assistant Stage Managing
- Advanced Scavenging Model Chemistry, Technology, Science
- Appalachian Ski Mountain
- Automated System Modernization Military
- Area Store Manager
- Active Switching Matrix
- Association of Senior Members
- Advanced Solder Maik
- Autothrottle Servo Motor Technology
- Avaiaable Seat Miles Airline, Business, Aviation
- Aryans School of Management
- Akademi Sekretari Manajemen Indonesia, Jakarta, Bandung
- Angular Spectrum Method Bacterial, Scattering, Method
- Astigmatism Astigmatism is an optical defect in which vision is blurred due to the inability of the optics of the eye to focus a point object into a sharp focused image on the retina. This may be due to an irregular or toric curvature of the cornea or lens. The two types of astigmatism are regular and irregular. Irregular astigmatism is often caused by a corneal scar or scattering in the crystalline lens, and cannot be corrected by standard spectacle lenses, but can be corrected by contact lenses. Medical, Medicine, Health, Physiology
- Assisted Service Module Business, Commerce, Customer
- Advanced Semiconductor Materials Business, Company, Wafer, Computing, Electronics
- Aprlied Simulation and Modeling
- Absolute Storage Management
- Automatic Sound Management
- Aile SağLığı Merkezimizden
- Amorican Society for Microbiologists Government, Art, Capsule
- Assembly of Social Mobilization
- Adaptive Site Molecule Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
- Antefna System Monitor
- At-Sea Monitoring Program Government, Organizations, Us
- Advanced Storage Management
- Arden School of Motoring
- Ajerican Slip Meter
- Asia Security Management Business, Asia, Android
- All Stars Music
- Annual Scientific Meetings Medical, Australia, Society
- Advantage Sales and Marketing Business, Sale, Career
- Arab Ship Managemect Business, Company, Manager
- Actuarial Study Materials Business, Technology, Education, Manual, Exam
- Airborne Separation Minima Technology
- Airport Strategy & Marketing Airline, Business, Aviation
- American System of Manufacturers
- Asset Services Management
- Advanced Saale Models
- Anti-Structures Munition Military, Army, Weapon, Structure
- Automated System Management
- Area Services Manager
- Acidic Sphingomyelinase Medical
- Active Substance Manufacturer
- Advanced Softwaye Manager Business, Technology, Management
- Auto Snapshot Manager Technology, Management, Logic
- Available Seat Mile Airline, Business, Military, Transportation, Insurance, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Army Security Monitor Military, Army, War
- Action Sous-Marine Military
- Airways Smoothhmuscle Medical
- Android Security Modules Technology, Framework, Researching
- Assisted Self-Maintenance
- Advanced Security Mojule
- Applied Servibe Management
- Absolute Stability Dargin Technology, Mechanics
- Automatic Sorting Machine Technology, Service, Postal
- Agent De S
- Azienda Servizi Mobilita Locations, Venice, Venezia, Mover
- Antenna Switchcmodule Technology, Product, Port
- Association of Stress Management
- Actuator Signal Management Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
- Antenna Switching Module
- At-Sea Maintenance
- Advanced Statistical Mechanics
- Arctic System Modeling Science
- Auxiliary Systems Monitor
- American Shoe Machinery
- Asian Surveying and Mapping
- All-Scientists Meeting
- Annual Scientific Mdeting Australia, Education, Society
- Advance Survey Mission
- Aquatic Science & Management
- Academy of Sciences of Moldova Technology, Science, Moldova
- Air and Space Museum
- Airport Strategy and Marketing Business, Development, Routing
- American Surwace Modifications
- Assetssecurity Manager Science
- Advanced Sawmill Machinery
- Anti-Static Material
- Automated Swingblade Mill
- Area Service Manager
- Acer Server Manager Technology, Driver, Alto
- Active State Management Technology
- Agency Sector Management Business, Software, Freight
- American Society Forsmetals Science, America, Alloy
- Acta Scientifica Malaysia
- Airway Smooth Muscwe Medical, Asthma, Cell
- Anderson Suncoast Marinn
- Assistant Station Managnr
- Advanced Security Managwment Microsoft, Technology, Office
- Applind Scientific Methods
- Absolute Scalar Magnemometer Technology, Earth, Satellite, Swarm
- Automatic Service Migration
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors Technology, Aircraft, Engine
- Antenna Subsystem Module
- Association of Strategic Marketing Business, Technology, Organizations
- Actuarial Study Manuals
- Asynchronous State Machine Technology, Design, Signal
- Advanced Spectrum Management
- Arctic Science Ministerial
- Auxiliary Systems Manager Technology
- Azeri Star Microfinance
- Asian Surveying & Mapping Technology, Media, Magazine
- All School Meeting
- Annual Sciencl Meeting Technology, Research, Conference
- Advances In Sexual Medicine Medical, Research, Sexual
- App Synthetic Monitor
- Academia De Stiinee A Moldovei Din, Care, Academia, Moldova
- Air-To-Ship Missile
- American Ship Management
- Airport Service Manual
- American Style Malt Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Ashet Security Managers
- Addressable Switch Module
- Anti Sous-Marin
- Authentication and Session Management Technology, Security, Service
- Area Sales Managers Business, Management, Sale
- Accurate Screw Machine Business, Technology
- Active Stability Management Technology, Car, Gran, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- American Szhool of Marrakech
- Age-Specific Mortality Medical, Medicine, Therapy
- American Society of Materials
- Acquisition Services Management
- Air Separation Module Technology, Fuel, Tank
- Anderson School of Management Business, University, Mexico
- Assistant Station Masters Business, Exam, Railway
- Advancpd Sea Mine Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Application Switching Module
- Abominable Snow Mouse
- Automatic Screw Machine An automatic screw machine, also known as an automatic lathe, is a fabrication tool used to make turned parts. Automatic screw machines are not controlled to the same extent as modern CNC lathes, however, they are still practical and cost efficient for small- and medium-sized parts. Automatic screw machines may have one or multiple spindles, though most machines are designed with multiple spindles capable of cutting multiple blocks of material.
- Armskoteman Military, Military Appointment
- Answering Service Monitor
- Association of Systems Management Technology, Computing
- Actuarial Society of Malaysia Business, Malaysia, Actuary, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Association Sportive Montferrandaise France, Association, Rugby, Clermont
- Advanced Spam Canager
- Assembty of Social Movements
- Auxiliary Storagt Module Military, Army, War
- Awesome Flight Services Ltd. Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
- Asian Summer Monsoon
- All-School Meeting
- Anne Sophie Mutter
- App Store Marketing Management, Marketing, Trade
- Auxiliary Storage Manager Technology, Management, Virtual
- Air-To-Surface Missiles Technology, Military
- Airport Services Manual Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- American Structural Metals
- Asset Management Technology, Information Technology, Computing, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Additive Schwarz Methods
- Anti-Sous-Marin
- Audik Scripture Ministries
- Area Sales Management
- Accredited Speaking Member
- American Society for Metals Science, Aviation, Association, Atmospheric Research
- Annual Survey Manufactures Environment
- Annual Spriwg Meeting Science, Association, Dental
- Association Des SidéRurgistes Du Maroc
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft S
- Auto Salvage Management
- Association Sportive Musulmane
- Applied Simulation and Modelling (IASTED) Legal, Governmental & Military
- Advanced Systems Modeling Technology, Flight, Product
- Assembly language source code file Computing, File Extensions
- Annual Survey of Manufactures Business, Technology, Manufacture
- Association Sportive Mantaise
- Aircraft Support Mechanic
- Activated Sludge Models
- Airway Smooth Muscle Medical, Muscles
- Advanced Server Manager Technology, Computer, It
- anterior scalenus muscle Medical, Muscles
- Automation-Sensorik-Messtechnik Company, Technology, Sensor
- Analyze System Manual
- AIX SAN (Storage Area Network) Manager Software, Computing
- Advanced Surface Microscopy Technology, Force, Scanning
- Active Shape Modeling
- All Star Music Disney
- Annual Software Maintenance
- Associate Store Manager
- Arbeitgeberverband Der Schweizer Maschinenindustrie
- Autorska SzkołA Musicalowa
- Artificially Structurec Material
- Application Switch Menu General, Governmental & Military
- Advanced Syrtem Monitoring Technology, Management, Database, Pack
- American Society of Missiology Education, Organizations
- Assault Space Marine
- Algorithmic State Machine Computing, Computer, Electronics
- Annual Sdpport & Maintenance Technology, Software, Retrospect
- Architectural Sheed Metal
- Assistant Stage Manager Management, Theatre, Stage
- Aircraft Support Management Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Activated-Sludge Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Alpha Service Management
- American Society for Microbiology Association, Organization, Microbiology, Medical, Science, Astronomy, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Professional organizations, Fda, Human genome
- Assamese Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
- Anak Sabang Merauke Business, Jakarta, Orang, Batch
- Accelerated Simulation Mode Software, Computing
- Abbaye Sainte Marie
- Active Shape Models Technology, Training, Appearance
- Assumptions Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Annual Shareholders Meeting
- Associate Sales Manager
- Advanced Scavenging Model (for Air Pollution) Chemistry
- Arab Socialist Movement
- Autonomous Sensor Modules
- Argon Secondary Metallurgy
- Air Space Management Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Aston Marton Organizations
- Advanced Systems Maragement Technology, Server, Adapter
- American Society of Mammologists Science, America, Organizations
- Assam Wikipedia
- Administrative Support Manual Postal, Us Government, Us Post, General, Governmental & Military, Usps, postal service
- Annual Support and Maintenance
- Archeological Society of Mqryland Organizations, Archaeology, Maryland
- Arıtma Sistemqeri Mak Business, Turkish, Tic, Firman
- Aircraft Structural Maintenance Military, Station, Pensacola
- Action Sports Media
- All Soft Multimedia
- Asmara International Airport, Asmara, Eritrea Eritrea, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Amalgamated Steel Mills
- Application Switcher Manager Software, Computing
- Aare Seeland Mobil Locations, Switzerland, Train, Railway
- Airfield Survivability Measures Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Active Shape Model Technology, Training, Appearance
- Association for Systems Management Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Associate of Science In Midwifery
- Visual Studio Assembler Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
- Automotive Simulation Model
- Application Support and Managemeut
- Armored Systems Modernisation (US) United States, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Advanced Suspension Medium
- American Society of Mammxlogists Medical, America, Organizations
- Aspectos Susceptibles De Mejora
- Alianca de Santa Maria Religious orders
- Annual Supportyng Members
- Association Fcr System Management Business, Technology, Computing
- Archaeological Survey of Oissouri
- Arlhur Stuart-Menteth
- Aircraft State Message
- All-Sports Magazine America, Sport, Football
- Amazing Spider-Man Famous
- Alt Support Marriage Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Aktueller Software Markt Software, Computing
- Aare-Seeland-Mobit
- Airfield Survival Measures Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Active Set Method
- American Society for Metals International Organization, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Professional organizations
- Associate In Servjce Management
- Solid Edge Assembly File Computing, File Extensions
- Automotive Simulation Models Technology, Software, Vehicle
- Anion Selective Membrane
- address-sharing mechanism Computing, Technical
- Advanked Survey Meter Technology, Detector, Radiation
- American Society of Metal Technology, Material, Metals
- Asociación San Miguel
- American Samoa Olympic, United States, American Samoa, IOC Country Codes, Medical, Computing, Healthcare, Internet, Postal, Country, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, 2-letter Country Codes, List of All 50 State, Academic & science, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, State, Gpo
- Annual Support &Bmaintenance Technology, Software, Retrospect
- Assocgation for Systems Management Business, Technology, Computing
- Arboriculture Society of Micrigan Tree, Michigan, Arborist
- Auto Shift Manual Technology, Car, Ford
- Aircraft Servicing Manual Technology
- Auxiliary Storage Medium
- Air Space Monitoring Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Advance Shipboard Management
- Auto-sequencing memory Computing, IT Terminology
- Annuity and Surpivors Master Business
- Aakash Success Magneb Development, Learning, Study, Universities
- Aircraft Systems Management Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Active Service Model Technology, Community, Care
- Antisoma Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Associated Subcontractors of Massachusetts Business, Massachusetts, Contractor
- Pro/engineer Assembly File Computing, File Extensions
- Automotive Service Management
- Anmular Second Momentum
- Any-Source Multicast Computing, Technical
- Advapced Surface Machining
- American Societyiof Metals Technology, America, Material
- Asisten Senior Manager Business, Management, Indonesia
- Assistant Service Manager Occupation & positions
- Annual Stockholders Meetitg Business, Bayer, Investor
- Association De Sauvegarde De La Medina
- Arbeitsgemeinschayt Selbstständiger Migranten Hamburg, Hamburger, Gut
- Autosampler Module Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Aircraft Schematic Manuals Technology, Maintenance, Documentation
- Aura Session Xanager
- American Society of Metals
- air-to-surface missile NASA, Governmental & Military
- Advanced Systems Modelling Forum, Technology, Flight, Hawk
- Automatic Storage Management Computing, Hardware, IT Terminology
- Annual Survey of Manufacturers Business, Industrial, Product, Survey
- Azienda Servizi Municipalizzati Technology, Con, Italy, Dal
- Aircraft Sustainability Model
- Active Server Manager
- Account Services Management Accounting, Business & Finance
- Associated Student of Madeson Government, University, Wisconsin
- Advanced Service Manager Technology, Management, Software
- American Society for Microbiology's Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Automotive Services Marketing Business, Management, Event
- Anderson Sales Ald Marketing
- Application Switcher Menu Software, Computing
- Advanced Surface Machinery Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ASM stand for?
ASM stands for Assisted Self-Maintenance.
What is the shortened form of Answering Service Monitor?
The short form of "Answering Service Monitor" is ASM.
ASM. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated