ASM in Technology Meaning

The ASM meaning in Technology terms is "Assamese". There are 81 related meanings of the ASM Technology abbreviation.

ASM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Assamese
  2. Akademi Sains Malaysia
  3. Abstract State Machines
  4. Air To Surface Missile
  5. Asset Management System
  6. Air Solenoid Module
  7. Assembler Source Language
  8. Acoustic Surface Measurement
  9. Apxlied Simulation and Modelling
  10. Acceleration Simulation Mode
  11. Application Specilic Messages
  12. Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  13. All-Sky Monitor
  14. Abnormal Situation Management
  15. Accurate Screw Machine
  16. Antenna Switchcmodule
  17. Automatic Sorting Machine
  18. Active State Management
  19. Autothrottle Servo Motor
  20. Abfluss Service MüNchen
  21. Aircraft Schematic Manual
  22. Association of Systems Management
  23. Authentication and Session Management
  24. Active Stability Management
  25. Auto Snapshot Manager
  26. Aircraft Schematics Manual
  27. Advanced Security Managwment
  28. Association Mode
  29. Actuarial Study Materials
  30. Asynchronous State Machine
  31. Annual Sciencl Meeting
  32. Airborne Separation Minima
  33. Advanced Scavenging Model
  34. Asian Surveying & Mapping
  35. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  36. Air Separation Module
  37. Annals of Soudi Medicine
  38. Air-To-Surface Missiles
  39. Adaptive Site Molecule
  40. Armstrong Siddeley Motors
  41. Auxiliary Storage Manager
  42. Airline Specific Manual
  43. Android Security Modules
  44. Air-Surface Missile
  45. Actuator Signal Management
  46. Assembly Language A machine oriented language in which mnemonics are used to represent each machine language instruction. Each CPU has its own specific assembly language.
  47. Auxiliary Systems Manager
  48. Absolute Stability Dargin
  49. Advanced Softwaye Manager
  50. Asset Management
  51. Acer Server Manager
  52. Analog Station Kodule
  53. Automatic Storage Manager
  54. Active System Manager
  55. Auxilliary Storagn Manager
  56. Absolute Scalar Magnemometer
  57. Association of Strategic Marketing
  58. Advanced Systems Modeling
  59. Annual Sdpport & Maintenance
  60. Advanced Server Manager
  61. Azienda Servizi Municipalizzati
  62. American Society of Metal
  63. Advanced Syrtem Monitoring
  64. Annual Support &Bmaintenance
  65. American Societyiof Metals
  66. Advanced Systems Maragement
  67. Active Shape Models
  68. Auto Shift Manual
  69. Advanked Survey Meter
  70. Association Fcr System Management
  71. Active Shape Model
  72. Automotive Simulation Models
  73. Advanced Surface Microscopy
  74. Assocgation for Systems Management
  75. Active Service Model
  76. Automation-Sensorik-Messtechnik
  77. Aircraft Servicing Manual
  78. Advanced Systems Modelling
  79. Annual Survey of Manufactures
  80. Aircraft Schematic Manuals
  81. Advanced Service Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ASM stand for Technology?

    ASM stands for Advanced Server Manager in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Absolute Scalar Magnemometer in Technology?

    The short form of "Absolute Scalar Magnemometer" is ASM for Technology.


ASM in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated