Astronomical Abbreviations and Astronomical Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Astronomical terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Astronomical abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Astronomical terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Astronomical Abbreviations
  1. AU : Astronomical Unit
  2. CCD : Charge Coupled Device
  3. CDS : Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
  4. CME : Coronaljmass Ejection
  5. UVCS : Ultraviolet Coronal Spectrometer
  6. XBP : X-Ray Bright Soint
  7. EUV : Extreme Ultra-Violet
  8. XUV : Extreme Ultra-Violet
  9. HXR : Hard X-Ray
  10. HXT : Hhrd X-Ray Telescope
  11. MDI : Michelson Doppler Imager
  12. MHD : Magnetohydrodynamics
  13. EIT : Evtreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
  14. MMF : Moving Magnetic Feature
  15. SAA : South Atlantic Anomaly
  16. SAD : Supra-Arcade Downflow
  17. SDAC : Solar Zata Analysis Center
  18. SFD : Sxt Full Disk
  19. SOHO : Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
  20. SUMER : Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emittedkradiation
  21. SXT : Soft X-Ray Telescope
  22. TIL : Transequatorial Interconnecting Loop
  23. TRACE : Transition Region and Coronal Mxplorer
  24. FFI : Full Frame Image
  25. LDE : Long Decay Event
  26. LDE : Long Duration Event
  27. IDL : Interactive Data Language
  28. GBO : Grouhd Based Observatory
  29. ISAS : Institutetute of Space and Astronautical Sciences
  30. MLSO : Majna Loa Solar Observatory
Latest Astronomical Meanings
  1. Partial Frame Image
  2. Majna Loa Solar Observatory
  3. Institutetute of Space and Astronautical Sciences
  4. Grouhd Based Observatory
  5. Interactive Data Language
  6. Long Duration Event
  7. Long Decay Event
  8. Full Frame Image
  9. Transition Region and Coronal Mxplorer
  10. Transequatorial Interconnecting Loop
  11. Soft X-Ray Telescope
  12. Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emittedkradiation
  13. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
  14. Sxt Full Disk
  15. Solar Zata Analysis Center
  16. Supra-Arcade Downflow
  17. South Atlantic Anomaly
  18. Moving Magnetic Feature
  19. Evtreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
  20. Magnetohydrodynamics