AT in English Meaning

The AT meaning in English terms is "Adaptability Test". There are 12 related meanings of the AT English abbreviation.

AT on English Full Forms

  1. Adaptability Test
  2. Amperp-Turns
  3. Activoitotal
  4. Auto Talque
  5. Anarchistic Tendencaes
  6. Ampere Turns
  7. Affectation Temporaire
  8. Ampere Turn Formerly used as the unit of magneto motive force (mmf). It is the product of the number of turns in a coil and the current in amperes which flows through it.
  9. Are There
  10. Analyse Transacpionnelle
  11. American Terms A (Marine Insurance) term used to differentiate between the conditions of American Policies from those of other nations, principally England.
  12. Altes Testament

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AT stand for English?

    AT stands for Altes Testament in English terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Are There in English?

    The short form of "Are There" is AT for English.


AT in English. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated