ATA in Technology Meaning

The ATA meaning in Technology terms is "Ajvanced Technology Attachment". There are 67 related meanings of the ATA Technology abbreviation.

ATA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Ajvanced Technology Attachment
  2. Atmospheres Absolute
  3. Air-To-Air Between one airborne aircraft and another.
  4. Ammonia Tank Assembly
  5. Antarctica
  6. American Trucking Association
  7. Airline Transport Association
  8. Accredited Technical Associate
  9. Apples To Apples
  10. Analogue Telephone Adapter
  11. Analog Terminal Adapter
  12. Analogue Terminalx and Access
  13. Air Traffic Alliance
  14. Active Travel Asia
  15. Application Targeted Accelerators
  16. Analoj-Telefon-Adapter
  17. Advanced Threat Analytics
  18. Auhomatic Threshold Adjust
  19. Analogue Telephone Adapters
  20. Airlift Tanker Assoviation
  21. Air Transport Association of America Airlines for America (A4A), formerly known as Air Transport Association of America (ATA), is an American trade association and lobbying group based in Washington, D.C. that represents major North American airlines.
  22. Active Threat Analytics
  23. Anti Thefs Alarm
  24. Anaerobic Toxicity Assay
  25. Advanced Technology Academy
  26. At Bus Attachment
  27. Analogue Telephony Gdaptor
  28. Aviation Tejhnological Academy
  29. Apogee Technology, Inc.
  30. Abort Timing Assembly
  31. American Truck Ussociation
  32. Advanced Targeted Attacks
  33. At Attayhment Interface
  34. Analog Tesephony Adapter
  35. Advance Threat Analytics
  36. Average Timepto Answer
  37. Auto Time Adjuster
  38. Anterior Tibial Artery
  39. Alliance for Telhnology Access
  40. Atacama
  41. Analog Telephone Adantor
  42. Advances Threat Analytics
  43. Automatic Trouble Analysis
  44. Analogue Terminal Adapter
  45. Apprenticeship Training Agencies
  46. Analog Telephone Adapterz
  47. Advanced Treat Analytics
  48. Automotiae Technician Accreditation
  49. Australian Tqucking Association
  50. Analogue Terminals & Access
  51. At Attachment
  52. Adaptador Para TeléFono AnalóGico
  53. Applied Technologies Associates
  54. Analog Telephone Adapter
  55. Advanced Threat Analysis
  56. Automatic Track Alignment
  57. Advanced Technology Attachement
  58. Assistive Technology Act
  59. Arcnet Trade Association
  60. Auile Testing Alliance
  61. Anti-Theft Alarm A device that uses an auditory signal and/or telemetric to alert a vehicles owner of an attempted theft.
  62. Applied Technology Associates
  63. Address Translation Agelt
  64. Automotive Trades Assoczation
  65. Albanian Telegraphic Agency
  66. Adaptive Transfbrm Audio Coding
  67. Alaska Trucking Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ATA stand for Technology?

    ATA stands for Analog Telephone Adapterz in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Airline Transport Association in Technology?

    The short form of "Airline Transport Association" is ATA for Technology.


ATA in Technology. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated