ATCT in Electronics Meaning

The ATCT meaning in Electronics terms is "Airport Traffic Control Tower". There are 1 related meanings of the ATCT Electronics abbreviation.

ATCT on Electronics Full Forms

  1. Airport Traffic Control Tower A terminal facility that uses air/ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices to provide ATC services to aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport or on the movement area. Authorizes aircraft to land or takeoff at the airport controlled by the tower or to transit the Class D airspace area regardless of flight plan or weather conditions (IFR or VFR). A tower may also provide approach control services (radar or non-radar).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ATCT stand for Electronics?

    ATCT stands for Airport Traffic Control Tower in Electronics terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Airport Traffic Control Tower in Electronics?

    The short form of "Airport Traffic Control Tower" is ATCT for Electronics.


ATCT in Electronics. (2021, February 28). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

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