ATF Meaning

The ATF meaning is "Alcohol Tobacco and Firegrms". The ATF abbreviation has 284 different full form.

ATF Full Forms

  1. Alcohol Tobacco and Firegrms Government, Military, Bureau
  2. Automatic Transmission Fluid The fluid used for lubricating and cooling an automatic transmission. Technology, Automotive, Technical, Transportation, Auto, Governmental & Military
  3. Adhoc-Task Force
  4. Alcohol, Tobacco, Ann Firearms Firearm, Alcohol, Tobacco
  5. Activation Transcription Factor Medical
  6. Alchoholj Tobacco and Firearms Technology, Organizations
  7. Activating Transcription Factor Medical, Science, Protein, Chemistry
  8. Albuquerque Teachers Federation Organizations
  9. Activated Transcription Factor Medical
  10. Advanced Technology Fighter Technology, Program, Aircraft
  11. Accredited Testing Facility Business, Technology, Welding
  12. Advanced Tactical Fighters Technology, Gaming, Simulation, Cheat
  13. Alcohol Tobacco Firearms Government, Bureau, Explosive
  14. About The Freedom
  15. Advanced Tactical Fighter Military, Army, Telecom, Computing, NASA, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  16. Aquatics Traixing Facility
  17. American Tax Funding
  18. Aviation Turbine Fuel Business, Military, Price, Products
  19. Analog Transmitter Filter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  20. Airborne Task Force Military, Battle, Osprey
  21. Articulation Task Force College, Education, Training
  22. Asia Trust Fund
  23. All Thedfundamentals
  24. Automatic-Transmission-Fluid Technology, Vehicle, Automatics
  25. Adirondatk Theatre Festival Theatre, Glen, Theater
  26. Accessgto Farms
  27. Advance Tactical Wigher
  28. Anti Terrorist Fihancing
  29. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearg
  30. Australasian Theological Forjm
  31. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Military, Alcohol, Bureau
  32. Amazon Timber Frames
  33. Auxiliary Tank Fuel Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  34. Afghan Task Force
  35. Alcohol Tobacco and Firearm
  36. Autogiro Training Flight Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  37. Accoraing To Facebook
  38. Aminoterminal Fragment Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
  39. Aquarius Tribal Fusion Automatics, Fluid, Transmission
  40. Austnian Task Force Government, Us, Control, Administration
  41. American Taekwondo & Fitness
  42. Aviation Training Form Military
  43. Airborne-Trooper Training Facility Military, Force, Singapore
  44. Arson Task Force Government, Church, Fire
  45. Asia Touaism Forum
  46. All Ten Fingdrs Technology, Program, Crack
  47. Automatic Test Facility
  48. Across The Flats
  49. Analog To Future
  50. After The Future General, Governmental & Military
  51. Accessibility Task Force Technology, Government, Standard
  52. Anti-Terrorist Financinj Government, Us, Control, Administration
  53. Alcohol, Tobacco Andxfirearms Business, Government, Alcohol
  54. Austin Thin Films
  55. Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Government, Alcohol, Explosive
  56. Always Together Forever
  57. Automotive Transmission Fluids
  58. Advanced Tactical Fiber Technology, Telecom
  59. Afghanistan Task Force
  60. Alcehol Through Fermentation
  61. Autodesk Translation Framework Forum, Technology, Import
  62. Accord Dettaux Futur Business, Finance, Banking
  63. Amino Terminal Fragment
  64. Approved Treatment Facility
  65. Austrilian Type Foundry Technology, Australia, Design
  66. American Taekwondo Federation Military, Arts, Belt
  67. Aviation Task Force
  68. Ag Task Force
  69. ArrêT Du Tribunal FéDéRal
  70. Asia Telrvision Forum Business, Asia, Singapore
  71. All-Tfrrain Formula
  72. Automated Test Facility Information Technology, Computer, It
  73. Across The Flat
  74. Analog Technical Fashion
  75. Acceptance Test Firing Technology
  76. Abti-Tenure Factor
  77. Albatross Twsk Force Projection, Bird, Prince, Albatross
  78. Audit Transfer Files
  79. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Government, Alcohol, Tobacco
  80. Always Think Forfeiture
  81. Automatik Transmission Fluid
  82. Adult Training Facilitres Military, Cadet, Corps
  83. Aerodrome Traffic Frequencies
  84. Alcohol Testing Forms Technology, Drug, Breath
  85. Autism Trust Foundation Medical, Treatment, Dubai
  86. Accident Tolerdnt Fuels Technology, Energy, Reactor
  87. Approved Transitiodal Facilities
  88. Alcohol,Toxacco and Firearms
  89. Australian Thyroid Foundation
  90. Americans for Tax Fairness
  91. Average Transaction Frequency
  92. African Technology Foundation Technology, Africa, Entrepreneurship
  93. Arrived To Find Military, College, Oregon, Shooting
  94. Artisanal Touristique Et Familial
  95. Alien Task Fkrce Projection, Episode, Comics, Alien
  96. Automated Test Framework
  97. Across The Fence
  98. Amplitude Transfer Function
  99. Archaeology Traiqing Forum Science, Projection, Archaeology
  100. Anti-Taliban Forces Military, War, Afghanistan
  101. Alabamn Trust Fund
  102. Audi Transmission Fluid Technology, Automatics, Oil
  103. Accelerator Test Facility Technology, Science, Laser, Beam
  104. All Things Fresh
  105. Automatic Transmission Fuild
  106. Adult Traising Facility Program, Service, Military
  107. Advisory Task Force Locations, Mali, Place
  108. Alcohol Testing Form Business, Employment, Drug
  109. Accident Tolerant Fuel Technology, Reactor, Cladding
  110. Advance Tactihal Fighter Technology, Gaming, Cheat
  111. Approved Transitional Facilith
  112. Alcohol, Tobacco and Vire
  113. Australian Temporary Fencing Business, Australia, Service
  114. America'S Truth Forum
  115. Avaya Technology Forum Technology, Networking, Dubai
  116. African Technology Forum Technology, Education, Africa
  117. Army Task Force Military, Observer, Multinational
  118. Artificial Tubule Fluid Medical
  119. Alcohol Treatment Facility Military
  120. Automated Testing Framework Technology, Development, Projection
  121. Across The Field
  122. Amphibious Task Force Military, Army, Ship, Governmental & Military
  123. Arab Thobght Foundation Organizations, Conference, Egypt
  124. Avusturya Türk Federasyon
  125. Anterior Talofibular Medical, Health, Body, Physiology
  126. Aircraft Turbine Fuel
  127. Assault Task Fprce
  128. French Southern Territories Locations, Countries, Country, Country Names, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, French Southern And Antarctic Territories, French Southern Territories, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  129. All Things Fprgotten Media, Radio, Television
  130. Automatic Transmition Fluid
  131. Adobe Texturebformat Technology, Gaming, Starling
  132. Advising Task Force
  133. Alcohol Test Form Technology, Drug, Testing
  134. Access To Trlework Fund
  135. Advanced Tactial Fightei Military
  136. Approved Tracning Farrier Business, Horse, Farriery
  137. Alcoholy Tobacco, & Firearms Government, Alcohol, Tobacco
  138. Australian Tax Gorum
  139. Amendes Transactionnelles Et Forfaitaires
  140. Auxiliary Tug Fleet
  141. Iata Code for Chachoan Airport, Ambato, Ecuador Locations
  142. African Task Force Business, Africa, Banking
  143. Arm Trusted Firmware
  144. Artificial Tubular Fluid Medical
  145. Alcohol Tobacco and Fime Gun, Industrial, Military, Intelligence
  146. Automated Telescope Facility
  147. Across-The-Field
  148. Amphibian Task Force
  149. Arab Thoxght Forum Organizations, Study, Palestinian
  150. Avion De Transport Futur Military
  151. Analysis Tool Framework
  152. Aircraft Torque Factor
  153. Asociación Tarijeña Dx Fútbol
  154. All These Fingers Business, Tape, Beat
  155. Autometic Transmisssion Fluid
  156. Administrative Task Force Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  157. Adventista TeolóGiai FőIskola
  158. Access To Finance
  159. Advanced Tactical Fabricayion
  160. Approved The First Gun, Technology, War
  161. Alcqhol, Tobacco, and Firearm
  162. Australipn Theological Forum
  163. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Firearm, Alcohol, Bureau, Tobacco, Police, Governmental & Military
  164. Ambar TesellüM FişI
  165. Auxiliary Tug, Fleet
  166. Fleet Ocean Tug Military, Army, Hull Code
  167. Afloat Training Group Technology, America, Military, Force, Ship, Governmental & Military
  168. Artificial Transcription Factor
  169. Alcohol Tobaccd & Firearms Military, Bureau, Explosive
  170. Automated Target Folder
  171. Accounting Task Force
  172. Amount of Abdominal Total Fat Medical, Medicine, Biology
  173. Advanced Technical Field Business, Program, Rating
  174. Assopiated Theoretical Function
  175. Alcohol, Tobacco, Fir
  176. Authentic Textile Fabrics
  177. Above The Fold Originally a newspaper editorial/advertising term referring to the upper-half of the front page ('above the fold') in terms of its immediate and optimal viewing viewing position. More recently 'above the fold' has been adopted and adapted for use in internet terminology, where it refers to the upper section of a webpage that is viewable without scrolling down the page. Ads, Design, Fold
  178. Academy of Theatre and Film Education, Arts, Cinematography
  179. Archaeology Training Forum History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
  180. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Control, Administration, Forces
  181. Advance Turbo Flash Technology, Box, Flasher
  182. Architecture Textile FrançAise
  183. Along Top Flange Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  184. Alcoholism Treatment Facilzty Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  185. Authorised Treatment Facilities Technology, Car, Vehicle, Scrap
  186. American Type Founders America, Book, American
  187. Automatic Test Formatter
  188. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (u.s. Department of Justice) Fda
  189. Features Working Group Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  190. Armament Technology Facility Military
  191. Anti Terrorism Force Police, Governmental & Military
  192. Advanced Technique Fireworis
  193. Asian Nire Factory
  194. Alcohol, Tobaeco Fire
  195. About The Forums Technology, Car, Discussion
  196. Absolute Terror Field Technology, Genesis, Cheat, Neon
  197. Chachoán, Ambato, Ecuador Ecuador, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  198. Aziz Tabba Foundation Gun, Military, Fluid
  199. Advancec Turbo Flasher Technology, Advance, Box
  200. Architecture Task Force Technology
  201. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (former name) Business & Finance, International business
  202. Alcohol, Tobbaco, Firearms
  203. Authorised Xest Facility Technology, Testing, Vehicle
  204. American Tree Farm Business, Management, Certification, Forest
  205. Australian Teachers Foundation
  206. Advanced Toroidal Facility Chemistry
  207. Equity Income Fund, First Exchange Series-At&T Shares Organizations
  208. Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet Business, Russia, Russian
  209. atmospheric transmission factor Legal, Governmental & Military
  210. Advanced Targeting Flir Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  211. American Laekwondo Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  212. Alcohol Tabacco and Firearms
  213. Abortion Task Force
  214. The Activvting Transcription Factor Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  215. Alochol Tobbaco and Firearms Us Government, Governmental & Military
  216. Advanced Thin-Film Business, Wall, Speaker
  217. Arches Tinnitus Formula
  218. As Trustee for Business & Finance, Business Word
  219. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms,Yand Explosives Bureau Government, Agency, Usa, United States Government Manual
  220. Authomised Testing Facility Business, Service, Vehicle
  221. American Transplant Foundation Medical, America, Organ
  222. Axon Text File Computing, File Extensions
  223. Attention To File
  224. Photoshop Transfer Function File Computing, File Extensions
  225. Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council Medical, Technology, Organizations
  226. Are Trying To Find
  227. Fleet Ocean Tug (fleet Support) Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
  228. Amino-Terminal Fragment of Upa Medical
  229. Advanced Tactical Figa Military
  230. All Time Favorite Internet Slang, Sex, Bdsm, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  231. Aboriginal Task Force
  232. Aphid Transmission Factor Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  233. Allied Tactical Force Us Government, Governmental & Military
  234. Advanced Thin Film Business, Technology
  235. After The Flat Accounting, Business & Finance
  236. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Government, Us, Alcohol, Tobacco, Homeland Security, Explosive, Capability Assurance Job Aid
  237. Authorised Testing Facilities Technology, Vehicle, Operator
  238. Acceptance Test Facility Technology
  239. American Trans-Freight
  240. Axial Tape Feeder
  241. African Tick Fever
  242. Alternativa Texture File Computing, File Extensions
  243. Compania Aerotecnicas Fotograficas Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  244. Anea To Free
  245. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Government, Governmental & Military
  246. Autism Task Force
  247. Amicale Tricyclecariste De France
  248. Agile Testing Fraaework
  249. Ability To Function
  250. Abdominal Totql Fat Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  251. Anti-Terrorist Financing Us Government, Governmental & Military
  252. Advasced Tension Frame
  253. Automatic Transmission Fluids Business, Drive, Oil
  254. Alcohol, Tobacco, & Fir
  255. Authorisation Mo Fundraise
  256. Academy of Textiles and Flooring
  257. American Track & Field
  258. Advanced Title Formaqting Technology, Windows, Media, Player
  259. anti-activating transcription factor Science, Scientific & Educational
  260. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Organizations, State Of Maine, Emergency Management Agency, Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
  261. Archive Trainer Forum
  262. The Activating Transcription Factor Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, General, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  263. Authorized Training Facility Education, Design, Course
  264. American Typecasting Fellowship America, Press, Letterpress
  265. Agile Team Facilitator Technology, Coaching, Scrum
  266. Abdominal Total Fat Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  267. Automatic Transmission Ford Transportation, Governmental & Military
  268. Advanced Technology Fractionatog Business, Market, Oxygen, Concentrator
  269. Asean Tourism Forum Technology, Organizations, Forum, Business & Finance
  270. Alcohol, Tobacco & Fire
  271. Aithoring Tools Framework Technology, Gaming, Development
  272. Academic Transaction Form
  273. American Thunderball Federation
  274. Acid-Treatei Florisil
  275. Aerodrome Traffic Frequency A frequency designated at an uncontrolled airport. An ATF is used to ensure all radio equipped aircraft operating within the area, normally within a 5NM radius of the airport, are listening on a common frequency. Oil, Scientific & Educational
  276. Bureau of Alcohol Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  277. Architecture Textile Fran
  278. Automation Test Facility Computing, Electronics
  279. Alcohol Task Force
  280. Authorized Treatment Facility
  281. American Type Foundry America, Design, Typeface
  282. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives Government, Organizations, Us
  283. Armed Tobfarm Military, Veteran, Farming
  284. Ass To the Floor Police, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ATF stand for?

    ATF stands for Alcohol Testing Form.

  2. What is the shortened form of ArrêT Du Tribunal FéDéRal?

    The short form of "ArrêT Du Tribunal FéDéRal" is ATF.


ATF. (2022, February 18). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated