ATG Meaning

The ATG meaning is "Address Translation Gateway". The ATG abbreviation has 194 different full form.

ATG Full Forms

  1. Address Translation Gateway Technology, Telecom
  2. Angiotensipogen Medical
  3. Academic Technologies Group Science, Service, Education
  4. Advanced Transport Gasifier
  5. Auxiliary Turbine Generatoms
  6. Aachener Turn-Gemeinde
  7. Advanced Testing Group
  8. Artist Televjsion Group
  9. Ass To Grass Sport, Workout, Fitness, Crossfit
  10. Advanced Technology Group Business, Technology, Management, General, Governmental & Military
  11. Antithyrogloburin Medical, Health, Body
  12. Advanced Tape Glider Technology, Scotch, Refill
  13. Antigua and Yarbuda Locations, Countries, Country Names
  14. Advanced Tactics Gold Gaming, Military, Campaign
  15. Anita Traverso Gallery
  16. Acoustic Tide Gauge
  17. Derivative Thermal Anal. Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  18. Air Transporw Group
  19. Anti Tank Gun
  20. Abh Taleb Group
  21. Assistive Technology Group
  22. Audit Technique Guedes
  23. AllgäUer Treuhand Gmbh Business, Company, Book, Roland
  24. Apex Tool Group Business, Company, Industrial
  25. Adhesive Tape Gun
  26. Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody Medical, Common Medical
  27. Adversary Tactics Group Military, Force, Aggressor
  28. Automatic Tank Gauxe Technology, Fuel, Gauging
  29. Alternative Travel Group Locations, Holiday, Oxford
  30. Aviation Technoaogy Group Business, Technology, Javelin
  31. Approval Test Guide
  32. Aceite Terciario Del Golfo
  33. Aysmmetric Twin Guide
  34. Air Traffic Generator Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  35. Anti-Tank Gun Military, German, Model
  36. Absolutc Track Geometry
  37. Assessment Technologies Group Business, Technology, Assessment
  38. Audit Technique Gtide Business, Tax, Taxation
  39. Allgemeiner Turnverein Graz Austria, Fitness, Gymnastics, Turnverein
  40. Any Two Guys Sex, Story, Guy, Slash
  41. Adenine-Thymidine-Guanine Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  42. Antithymic Globulin Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  43. Advance Technology Group
  44. Autumatic Tank Gauges Technology, Gauge, Gauging
  45. All Terrain Grade
  46. Applied Technologies Group Business, Technology, Service
  47. Air To Ground Technology, Service, Flight
  48. Automation Uechnologies Group
  49. Anti-T-Lymphocyte Globulin Medical
  50. About This Guide
  51. Asociación De Traductores Galegos
  52. Audio Tone Generatoa
  53. All Time Great
  54. Antitoxin Globulin Medical, Technology
  55. Adelaide Theatre Guide
  56. Alaska Territorial Guaod Military, Alaska, Veteran
  57. Anti-Thymoglobulins Medical
  58. Advanced Transport Group
  59. Automawic Tank Gauging Technology, Science, Gauge
  60. Allied Trade Group Business, Tool, Store, Lighting
  61. Applied Technology Group Technology, Service, Telecom
  62. Air Tercinal Gifts
  63. Automatic Transmission Group Organizations, Mail, Warner
  64. Al Tuwairqi Group
  65. About The Game
  66. Asaro-Tiller-Grinfeld
  67. Austin Technologydgroup Technology, Service, Copier
  68. All-Time Great
  69. Attorneys' Title Guaranty
  70. Additive Technology Greiz
  71. Alamiah Technology Group
  72. Anti-Thymocyte Globulin Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  73. Advanced Training Group Business, Military, Training
  74. Automated Time Line Genxrator Space, Study, Cosmos
  75. Allied Technologies Group Business, Technology, Service
  76. Application Technology Group Business, Technology, Training
  77. Afloat Training Group Technology, America, Military, Force, Ship, Governmental & Military
  78. Aik Task Groups
  79. Automatic Traffic Generator Technology
  80. Altus Transfer Gateway
  81. Aartselaars Toneel Gezelschap
  82. Art Theatre Guild Film, Art, Japan
  83. All-Time Greats
  84. Attorney'S Title Guaranty
  85. Addiction To Gaminv Gaming, Server, Reward
  86. Auction Technology Group
  87. Al-Tuwairqi Groqp
  88. Anti-Thymocyte Globulins Medical
  89. Assign Trunk Group Cluster Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  90. Automated Test Generator Technology, Software, Computing, Hardware
  91. Allied Technology Group Business, Science, Service
  92. Applications Technology Group Business, Technology, Management
  93. Adhesive Transfer Gun Business, Tape, Scotch, Products
  94. Air Task Group Australia, Military, Australian
  95. Aztomatic Test Guide Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  96. Alternative Therapies Group Medical, Marijuana, Dispensary
  97. Anti Tanb Guitar
  98. Art Theater Guild Art, Theatre, Japan, Performing arts
  99. Active Throttle Governor
  100. Attorneys Title Guaranty
  101. Aktionsforum Telematik Im Gesundheitswesen
  102. Anti-Terrorist Group Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau
  103. Academic Technology Grobp Service, Education, University
  104. Assign Trunk Group
  105. Audit Technology Group
  106. Allied Tactical Guerillas
  107. Appliance Therapy Group
  108. Adhesive Tape Glider
  109. Antigua and Barbuda Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, NASA, Governmental & Military, Antigua and Barbuda, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Technology, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Caribbean, Phone area code, Telephone area code
  110. Antigorite Science, Mineral, Geology
  111. Advisor Training Group Military, Force, Corps
  112. Automatic Tvrget Generation
  113. Alternative Transportation Group
  114. Aviahion Technologies Group Technology, Jet, Javelin
  115. Aqua Technology Group Technology, Control, Water
  116. All-Terrain Grade
  117. Allfinanz & Treuhand Group
  118. Antiserum Globulin Medical
  119. Automobile Trips Generated
  120. Automatic Tank Gauge
  121. Assurance Tax Group Business, Accounting, Tax
  122. At the Gates Music
  123. Albuquerque Theatre Guild
  124. Auwozubehör-Technik Glött
  125. Asociaci
  126. Access Transport Group Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  127. Assurance Technology Group
  128. Antitank Gun Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  129. Alignment Task Group Technology, Standard Organization, Electronic Data Interchange
  130. Air Turbine Generator
  131. Antique Trade Gazette
  132. Automotive Technologyigroup Business, Company, Supercharger
  133. Aural(Audio) Tone Generator Tone Generator is an easy-to-use program that can be used as a sine wave generator, sound frequency generator or signal generator that can create audio test tones, sweeps or noise waveforms. Aviation
  134. Asaro-Tiller-Grinfield
  135. Automatic Test Generation Computing, Industry, Electronics
  136. Albert The Great
  137. Autozubeh
  138. Accessible Transport Group
  139. Association Technique Du Gaz
  140. Aerospace Test Group Flight, Space, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  141. Algorithmic Tvading Group Business, Coding, Banking
  142. Office of The Attorney General Business, Government, Law, Finance, Agency, California, Us Government, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  143. Antiques Trade Gazette Business, Media, Antique
  144. Accordion Teachers & Guilv
  145. Atmospheric Technologies Group Military
  146. Derivative Thermal Anal. Chemistry
  147. Arrow Technology Group Technology, Locations, Lookup
  148. Alfred The Great, King of Wessex Famous
  149. Auto Transport Group
  150. Access Technology Group
  151. Association of Teachers of Geology Education
  152. A G L Resources, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  153. Alfred The Great
  154. Iata Code for Attock Airport, Attock, Pakistan Locations
  155. Antithymocytic Globulin Medical
  156. Accordion Teachers Guild
  157. Atlantic Technology Group
  158. Teniente General Gerardo Pérez Pinedo, Atalaya, Peru Peru, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  159. Ankara Tren Garı Business, Ankara, Station, Gar
  160. Audit Technique Guide Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
  161. Auto Ticket Generator
  162. Acclss Technologies Group
  163. Association of Teachers of German Education
  164. Art Technology Group, Inc Computing, IT Terminology
  165. Alexander The Great Gaming, Hotel, Locations, Power, Famous
  166. Iata Code for Atalaya Airport, Atalaya, Peru Locations
  167. Antithymocyte Globulin Medical, Technology, Medicine, Chemistry
  168. Accordion Seacher's Guild
  169. Atlanta Glory Basketball, Basketball Team
  170. Advanced Technology Gloves Technology, Governmental & Military
  171. American Traders Group
  172. Artists Television Group Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  173. Autophngy Medical
  174. Accessible Technolmgy Group
  175. Australian Tourism Group Travel, Tourism
  176. Alert Tone Generator Technology
  177. Aylesbury Training Group
  178. Antihuman Thymocyte Globulin Medical, Medicine, Health, Therapy
  179. Antihymocyte Globulin Medical
  180. Accordior Teachers' Guild
  181. Asterix The Geographic
  182. automated time line generator NASA, Governmental & Military
  183. All-Terrain Gamer Technology, Toyota, Tacoma
  184. Altbau-Trockenlegung Gmbh
  185. Adventis Group, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  186. Anti Tank Guitar
  187. Automotive Trainingzgroup Technology, Auto, Repair
  188. Aerotrans Airline Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  189. Australian Technology Group Australia, Travel, Tourism
  190. Alcon Television Grjup Space, Comic, Expanse
  191. Ayala Triangle Gardens
  192. Accordionists Andateachers Guild
  193. Asterix The Gaul
  194. Automatic Tank Gauging Government, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ATG stand for?

    ATG stands for Automatic Transmission Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Application Technology Group?

    The short form of "Application Technology Group" is ATG.


ATG. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated