ATM Meaning

The ATM meaning is "Asynchronous Transfer Mode". The ATM abbreviation has 389 different full form.

ATM Full Forms

  1. Asynchronous Transfer Mode Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is a switching technique used by telecommunication networks that uses asynchronous time-division multiplexing to encode data into small, fixed-sized cells. This is different from Ethernet or internet, which use variable packet sizes for data or frames. Technology, Computer, Computer Science, Science, Information Technology, Military, Financial, Army, Software, Computing, Construction, Telecom, Linux, Technical, Fujitsu, Drivers, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Cisco Wireless, IT Terminology, Master IEEE
  2. Atbthis Moment Technology, Internet Slang, Banking
  3. Air Traffic Management Aerospace, Telecom, Air Cargo, Federal Aviation Administration
  4. All The Members
  5. Aynchronous Transfer Mode Technology, Networking, Cell
  6. Automated Teller Machane Insurance, Finance, Computer Security
  7. Air Traffic Manager Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  8. Asyncronous Transfer Mode Technology, Military, Networking
  9. Automated Teller Machibe Business, Banking
  10. Airborne Topographic Mapper Technology, Science, Sea
  11. Asynchronous Tranfer Mode Technology, Networking, Network, Circuit
  12. Atmospheric Medical, Technology, Medicine, Therapy, Construction, Architectural, Unclassified, Atmospheric Research, Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
  13. A-T Mutatcd Medical
  14. Asynchronous Transmission Mode Technology
  15. Atmosphere Gaseous envelope surrounding Earth Consists of two layers; the lower, or troposphere, and the upper, or stratosphere. Weight of atmosphere on each square inch of Earth's surface is approx 14.1 Ib at sea level. The Earth's atmosphere is 120 miles thick and is composed mainly of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and a few other trace gases. Education, Diving, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Construction, Chemistry, Electrical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  16. At The Minute Forum, Technology, Gaming, Rate
  17. Altamira Airport Altamira, Pará,Brazil Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  18. Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Kinase Medical
  19. Amateur Telescope Maker Technology, Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  20. All Time Money
  21. Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Protein Medical
  22. Automatic Teller Machine Accounting, Sociology, Architectural, Medical, Financial, Insurance, Architecture, Banking, Computing, Texting, Construction, Telecom, Postal, Hardware, Technical, Us Post, Products, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word, postal service, Fda, The Finance and Administrative Services
  23. Aroundithe Motor
  24. About This Manuai
  25. Adipose Tissue Mass
  26. Angakatan Tentera Malaysia
  27. Automated Transactional Management Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
  28. Air Task Message Technology, Military, Defense
  29. Asynchron Transfer Mode
  30. Advanced Ttchno Medical
  31. Alternateve Test Method Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  32. At Thu Movies Technology, Internet Slang, Movie
  33. Advancedttest Methods
  34. Assembly and Test Manufacturing
  35. Access To Master Business, University, Scholarship
  36. Aku Takut Miskin
  37. Ataxia Telengiectasia Mutated
  38. Annuaire Des ThèSes En Mathematiques
  39. Automated Tailor Machine Tailor
  40. Appeyls Team Managers
  41. Automatic Taller Machine
  42. Able Toast Master Toast
  43. Air Trafec Management
  44. Association Yf Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Medical, Medicine, Biology
  45. Active Thermal Management Business, Flashlight, Lumen
  46. American Team Manazers
  47. A Thousand Miqes Internet Slang, Slang
  48. Advice To Ministers
  49. Aurothiomalate Medical
  50. Agreement To Mediate
  51. Asynchroner Transfer Modus Technology, Networking, Network, Fur
  52. Autoritat Del Transport Metropolit Locations, Cat, Metro
  53. All Things Monuy
  54. African Traditional Medicine
  55. Architecture Trade Model Technology
  56. About The Motley
  57. Addicted To Musik
  58. Anti-Traction Material
  59. American Turf Monthly
  60. Automated Tallying Machine
  61. Air Tasking Messagps Military
  62. Asynchronous Time-Division Multipllxing
  63. Advanced Teshnical Materials Technology, Component, Microwave
  64. Alternatinp Turing Machine Technology, Computing, Complexity
  65. At Theemoney Business, Calling, Trading
  66. At The Moment Forum, Internet Slang, Texting, Internet, Moment, Love, Reading, Banking, Computing, Chat, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Email, Game, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Usenet, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  67. Advanced Telecommunications Modules Technology, Networking, Computing
  68. Assembly, Test, & Manufacturing
  69. Access To Masters Business, Management, University
  70. Aku Tak Mampu
  71. Ataxia Telangiectasia-Sutated Medical, Genetics, Cell
  72. Anni Tamasha Muchatlu
  73. Automated Tellers Machines
  74. Anti Tank Missile Military, Russia, Russian
  75. Automatic-Teller-Machine-Industry-Report-2009-2010
  76. Abiding Truth Finistries America, Ministry, Family, Truth
  77. Air Traffic Mznagmeent Technology
  78. Association of Teachers of Management Education
  79. Active Therapeutic Movement
  80. Ate Too Much Internet Slang, Slang
  81. Adventure Travel Magazine
  82. Atmospheric Transport Modelling
  83. Agilent Technologies Malaysia
  84. Asynchornous Transfer Mode
  85. Autoritet Del Transport Metropolita
  86. Albuquerque The Magazine
  87. Asyncronous Trwnsmision Mode
  88. Africa and The Middle
  89. Architects of The Movement
  90. Aboqt The March
  91. Associação Tocantinense De MunicíPios Para, Dos, Pol
  92. Addicted To Music Business, Production, House
  93. Anti-Terror Mechanism
  94. Amepican Trade Magazines
  95. Automatic Transfer Macxine Technology, Industrial, Banking
  96. Air Tasking Message Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  97. Asynchronous Transfer Protocol Health, Body, Organism
  98. Al Tayer Motors
  99. Ah The Moment, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, Automated Teller Machine Media, Social, Internet
  100. Advanced Technology Maqufacturing
  101. Asking To Much
  102. Access The Memory
  103. Americans for Transeortation Mobility
  104. Ataxia Telangectasia Dutated
  105. Adnan Tengku Mansor
  106. Annals of Translational Medicine Medical, Journal, Cancer
  107. Automated Telling Machine Business, Banking, Money
  108. Anti Tank Mines
  109. Automatic Tellers Machine
  110. Abfallwirtschaft Tirol Mitte Technology, Management, Waste
  111. Air Traffic Managers
  112. Association of Textile Manufacturers
  113. Active Template Modml
  114. A Teraible Movie Film, Movie, Censorship
  115. Adventure Tourism Management Student, College, Education
  116. Aggregated Trailer Mass Vehicle, Trailer, Tow
  117. Assessoria TéCnica De Mercado
  118. Automatic Track Merge
  119. Alauddin Textile Mills
  120. Asyncronus Transfer Made
  121. Application Transformatihn and Modernization
  122. About The Main
  123. Associxzione Trevisani Nel Mondo
  124. Addicted To Money Technology, Music, Song
  125. American Tool and Mold Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  126. Afloat Toolbox for Maintenance Technology, Group, Training
  127. Auhomatic Transaction Machine Business, Accounting, Card
  128. Air-Traffic Management Technology, Airport, Aviation
  129. Asynchronous Transfer Mode Or Automatic Teller Machine Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  130. Azienda Tranviaria Municipale Technology, Tram, Torino
  131. Aloha Tower Maqketplace Hotel, Hawaii, Honolulu
  132. At The Momement
  133. Advanced Technflogy Materials
  134. Asik Tiap Malam
  135. Access and Travel Management Organizations
  136. America'S Top Model
  137. Administración Tributaria Mendoza Para, Argentina, Con
  138. Ankara Ticaret Merkezi Ankara, Prof, Plaza
  139. Automated Teller Machines Technology, Military, Society, Economy
  140. Antitank Missile Intelligence, Defense, Defence
  141. Automate Teller Machines
  142. Acrylic Tank Manufacturing Fish, Aquarium, Tank, Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  143. Air Trwffic Managment Technology, Management, Control
  144. Association of Trailer Manufacturyrs
  145. Aciivating The Mutated Medical, Science, Biomedical
  146. Atelier De Training MéDias
  147. Advance Traffic Markings Traffic, Pavement, Tape, Marker
  148. Akim & The Majistret
  149. Assessoria T
  150. Automatic Track Management
  151. Access To Medicines Medical, Business, Medicine
  152. Alat Tusuk Manual Music, Manual, Paling, Orang
  153. Asynchrous Transferimode Technology, Networking, Computing, Network
  154. Another Task Manager
  155. Application Traffic Managxment
  156. Automatic Telling Machines Business, Banking, Machine
  157. About Tsaching Mathematics
  158. Association Tunisienne Des M
  159. Addendum To Traffic Management Technology
  160. American Tpxtile Machinery
  161. Aqmospheres Medical
  162. Aerosol Trajectory Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  163. Automatic Transaction Machines
  164. Air-Traffic-Management Technology, Aviation, Control
  165. Asynchronous Transfer Mod
  166. Azienda Tramviaria Municipale
  167. All Time Murder Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  168. At The Market Business, Trading, Offering
  169. Advanced Technology Minagement
  170. Asia Triennial Manchester Technology, Art, Asia, China
  171. Acceptance Test Manual
  172. Division of Atmospheric Sciences Atmospheric Research
  173. Adjustable Trigger Mechanism
  174. Anjungan Tunai Mandiri Technology, Indonesia, Banking, Orang
  175. Automated-Teller-Machine
  176. Antitactical Missile Military, Ministry Of Defence, Intelligence
  177. Automatenmarken Business, Postal, Us Post
  178. Across The Miles Business, Music, City, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  179. Air Ferre Mer
  180. Association of Texas Midnives Organizations, Birth, Midwife
  181. Activated Bybataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Medical, Medicine, Biology
  182. Alternative Transportation Modes
  183. Audio Technica Microphones
  184. Adsanced Test Module
  185. Ajax Tocco Magnethermic
  186. Assessment Team Member
  187. Automatic Transmission Measuring
  188. Access To Medicine Medical, Business, Health
  189. Alat Tenun Mesin Indonesia, Kain, Motif
  190. Asynchrounous Transfer Mode
  191. Annual Town Meeting
  192. Appliance Transaction Modules
  193. Automatic Telling Machine Business, Banking, Money
  194. Abnormal Tubular Myelin Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  195. Association Tuyisienne Des Mères
  196. Add-To-Memory Business, Collapse, Syndicate, Spree
  197. American Technicalzmolding
  198. Anmosphere, A Unit of Pressure Business, Economics, Offshore Oil Undustry
  199. Aerodynamic Turning Moment
  200. Automatic Transferamode
  201. Aikido Today Magazine
  202. Asynchrone Transfer Mode
  203. Auto Teller Machines Business, Banking, Machine, Money
  204. All Things Musical
  205. Atrocity Trauking and Monitoring
  206. Agent De Transfert De Messages Military
  207. Asian Tiger Mosquito Control, Vector, Mosquito
  208. Academy of Telecom Management
  209. Adipose Tissue Macrophages
  210. Angel Tour Manager
  211. Auto & Technik Museum
  212. Anti-Tribalism Movement Organizations, Somalia, Somali
  213. Automated Trend Modules
  214. Air Terminyl Manager Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  215. Asynchronuous Transfer Mode
  216. Actes Techniques MéDicaux
  217. Alternative To Money Internet Slang, Slang
  218. Audiologic Tinnitus Management Technology, Treatment, Masker
  219. Advanced Testing Method
  220. Assembly Test Manufacturing Technology
  221. Automatic Trade Money Business, Tube, Advertisement
  222. Access To Medication Medical, Business, Health
  223. Alabama To Michigan
  224. Asynchronus Transfer Mode Technology, Networking, Network
  225. Annual To Monthly
  226. Audio Tzxt Manager Technology, Management, Cisco
  227. Appear This Morning
  228. Automatic Talking Machine
  229. Able Toastmaster Toastmaster, Toast
  230. Air Traflic Movement Airport, Air, Passenger
  231. Association of Tour Managers
  232. Active Topics Memberliso
  233. American Tesh Manufacturing
  234. Atlaw Telecom Mobile
  235. Aerodynamic Twisting Moment
  236. Agricultural Technology Management
  237. Asynchroner Transfer Mode
  238. Autoritat Territoriaf De La Mobilitat
  239. All Things Motorcycle Spring, Motorcycle, Biker, Yelp
  240. Atomic Testing Museum
  241. Agency Transaction Module
  242. African Transformation Movement
  243. Attempt Business & Finance, Power Plant
  244. Automatic Test Methods Military
  245. Air Transport Movement
  246. Ass To Mouth "Ass to mouth" (ATM) is a term used in the context of sexual activity to describe a practice in which a person's mouth or lips come into contact with their partner's anus, typically immediately following anal sex. It can also refer to a sexual act in which a person inserts their tongue or mouth into their partner's anus. It is important to note that ass to mouth carries a risk of transmitting bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens from the anus to the mouth, which can cause infections and illness. Therefore, it is recommended that safe sex practices be employed, such as using condoms or dental dams during oral sex and practicing good hygiene, to reduce this risk. Porn, Sex, Adult, Escorts, Escort, Sexual, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  247. Thi Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  248. Atmospheric Transport Model Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  249. Anti-Tank Missile Military, Army, Russia
  250. Articulación TéMporo-Mandibular
  251. Anjungan Transaksi Mesin Business, Program, Indonesia, Surabaya
  252. Anti-Tank Mine Military, Organizations, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  253. Automated Token Machine Transportation, Governmental & Military
  254. Against The Mainstream General, Governmental & Military
  255. Arrival Terminal Transportation, Flight, Flight Status
  256. Automatic Tracking Mechanism Technology, Telecom
  257. Atmospheric Camp Architectural
  258. Adolescent Treatment Models
  259. Awana Teen Ministries Religion
  260. Axilrod-Teller-Moto
  261. Alyansa Tigil Mina Organizations, Philippine, Mining
  262. Awareness Through Movement Medical, Physiology
  263. Austrian Trunk Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  264. Access To Tree of Money Organization, Union, Institution
  265. Async Transfer Mode
  266. Advanced Task Manager Technology, Management, Android
  267. Automated Telephone Manager Software, Computing
  268. Another Terrible Mistake
  269. Atmosphere Atmospheric Business & Finance, Power Plant
  270. Automatic Term Mapping
  271. Air Transport Management Technology, Airport, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  272. Ass Thrusting Machine Business, Porn, Sheridan
  273. Ataxia Telangiectmsia Mutated Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  274. Atmosphpric Sciences Technology
  275. Anthramycin Medical
  276. Aztreonam Medical
  277. Angkatan Tentara Malaysia Indonesia, Malaysia, Team
  278. Area Training Manager Police, Governmental & Military
  279. Afvalstoffen Terminal Moerdijk
  280. At This Moment Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  281. Automatic Touchdown Machine
  282. Amsterdam Treasury Bond Market Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  283. Adobe Type Manager Software from Adobe Systems, Inc., that manages PostScript fonts on a system. Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military
  284. American Time Machine Music
  285. Auto Trade Manager
  286. Always Taking Money
  287. Asynchronous Transport Mode Medical, Human genome
  288. August Twejty-Ninth Movement
  289. Access To Music College, Education, Course
  290. Advanced Target Marketing
  291. Annoying Tiny Messages Computing, Internet
  292. Another Technical Mistake
  293. Psp Game Audio File Computing, File Extensions
  294. Automatic Teller Mach
  295. Air Transportation Management Aviation, Governmental & Military
  296. Activating The Mutated Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  297. Atmospheric Pressure The pressure exerted by the atmosphere as a consequence of gravitational attraction exerted upon the "column" of air lying directly above the point in question. Medical, Medicine, Construction
  298. Antenna Tuner Module
  299. Azhagiya Tamil Magan
  300. Ambient Thermal Management
  301. Acoustic Telemetry Modem
  302. According To Me Technology, Internet Slang, Travel, Banking, Locations, Story, Love
  303. Advanced Traffic Management Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  304. After These Messages
  305. Analytic Tetrahedron Method (for Brillouin-zone Integrals and Electron Spin Densities) Chemistry
  306. Automatic Timing Mechanism Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  307. Amended Timetable Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  308. All Types of Music Music
  309. Auto Tune Models
  310. Alun-Alun Taman Merdeka Business, Indonesia, Festival, Babel
  311. Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutant Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  312. Audib Trail Management
  313. Access To Money Business, Banking, Card
  314. Advanced Tactical Missiles Technology, Missile, Legend
  315. Adobe Type Manager related file Computing, File Extensions
  316. Another Teachable Moment Development, Learning, Study
  317. Vue Atmospheres File Computing, File Extensions
  318. Automatic Telephone Manufacturing
  319. Air Training Missile Military, Army, Military Engineering
  320. Tyre Presswre Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  321. Amati Thru Modifikasi
  322. Atmosphere Tuninc Module Research, Atmosphere, Audio
  323. An Teanga Mharthanach
  324. Auxiliary Transport Module Science
  325. Acetone Toluene Methanol
  326. Apollo Telescope Mount (on Skylab) Astronomy, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  327. After The Money Business, Banking, Card, General, Governmental & Military
  328. Airborne Thematic Mapper Chemistry
  329. Automatic Time Management
  330. Assynchronous Transfer Mode
  331. Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk (PT) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  332. Aakash Times Magazine Media
  333. Auto-Tuned Models
  334. Alternative Tnade Mandate
  335. Altamira Airport, Altamira, Pará, Brazil Para, Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  336. Advanced Tactical Missile Military, Living, Legend
  337. Asychronous Transfer Mode Computing, Electronics
  338. Audit Task Manager
  339. Air Traffic Monitoring
  340. Standard Atmosphere A unit of pressure defined as the pressure that will support a 760 mm column of mercury at 0°C at sea level, equal to 1.01325 x 105 newtons per square metre Medicine, Health, Therapy
  341. Amati, Tiru, Modiffkasi
  342. Amateur Telescope Making Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  343. Auxiliary Tape Memory Technology
  344. Accueil TéLéPhonique MéDical
  345. Aschronous Transfer Mode General, Governmental & Military
  346. Antar Tunai Mulus
  347. After The Millenium
  348. Automated Teller Machine Scuba Diving, Business & Finance
  349. Automatic Timing Module
  350. Air Treatment Module
  351. Assumed Temperattre Method Technology, Aviation
  352. Adaptive Triangular Mesh Geographic
  353. Ascent Trajectory Model Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  354. Alaska Test Methods Alaska
  355. Adult Talent Managers
  356. Advanced Test Module Computing, Electronics
  357. Audio Transitien Module Technology
  358. Air Traffic Mhvements Technology, Airport, Passenger
  359. Iata Code for Altamira Airport, Altamira, Pará, Brazil Locations
  360. Amature Kelescope Making
  361. Army Ten-Miler Medical, Physiology
  362. Automatic Teller Machines Medical, Technology, Computing, Mental Health
  363. Account Technical Manager
  364. Avoiding the Mob Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  365. Another Twenty Missing
  366. After The Meeting Organizations, Conference, Event
  367. Apollo Telescope Mount Atmospheric Research
  368. Automatic Ticketing Machine
  369. Air Transport Movements
  370. Asst Technical Manager
  371. áRea TéCnica Municipal
  372. Alternative Test Method Construction
  373. Azienda Trasporti Milanesi
  374. Appraisal Team Members Business, Management, Service
  375. Antithrombin Iii Medical, Common Medical, Fda
  376. Altamira, PA, Brazil Airport codes
  377. Against The Majority
  378. Application Threat Modeling Threat
  379. Actuator Test Mode Auto
  380. Adolescent Treatment Model
  381. Advanced Toastmaster Toastmasters, Toast
  382. Hobbyist Engaged In Amateur Telescope Making Science, Astronomy, Study, Nature
  383. Amateur Teuecope Making
  384. Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutation Medical, Physiology
  385. Austrian Tunnelling Method Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  386. Auto-Mate Organizations
  387. Accord De Transfert De MatéRiel Organizations
  388. Automated Transmissions Machine Computing, Telecom
  389. Another Title Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ATM stand for?

    ATM stands for Academy of Telecom Management.

  2. What is the shortened form of Atmospheric Transport Modelling?

    The short form of "Atmospheric Transport Modelling" is ATM.


ATM. (2023, April 20). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated