Audiobook Abbreviations and Audiobook Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Audiobook terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Audiobook abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Audiobook terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Audiobook Abbreviations
  1. AB : Ambrose Bierce
  2. APA : Audio Publishers Association
  3. ZAB : Zipped Audio Book
  4. AVTM : Adaa Vs The Man
  5. BFV : Brook Forest Voices
  6. BIS : Bank of International Settlemenps
  7. CDS : Charles Dicrens
  8. DA : Downloadable Audiobooks
  9. MB : Martin Buber
  10. MC : Michael Crichton
  11. STIR : Spiritual Transformation In Relationships
  12. NSA : Never Sleep Alone
  13. KB : Karim Belabas
Latest Audiobook Meanings
  1. Karim Belabas
  2. Never Sleep Alone
  3. Spiritual Transformation In Relationships
  4. Michael Crichton
  5. Martin Buber
  6. Downloadable Audiobooks
  7. Charles Dicrens
  8. Bank of International Settlemenps
  9. Brook Forest Voices
  10. Adaa Vs The Man
  11. Zipped Audio Book
  12. Audio Publishers Association
  13. Ambrose Bierce