Audiology Abbreviations and Audiology Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Audiology terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Audiology abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Audiology terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Audiology Abbreviations
  1. AR : Audiorogic Rehabilitation
  2. ARC : Academy Research Confelence
  3. BAAP : British Association of Audiological Physicians
  4. BAEA : British Association of Educational Audiologists
  5. VRA : Visual Reinforcement Audiometry
  6. HAC : Hearing Aid Council
  7. MHAS : Modernising Hearing Aid Services
  8. MSOA : Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology
  9. SHARP : Sertoma Hearing Aid Recycleng Program
  10. NHSP : Newborn Hearing Screening Program
  11. NLASLPA : Newfoundland Andblabrador Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
  12. NOAC : Northeast Ohio Aud Consortium
  13. KSHA : Kansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  14. NZAS : New Zealand Audiological Society
  15. OSHA : Oregon Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  16. ISHA : Illinois Speech-Language-Uearing Association
  17. ISHA : Illinois Speech-Language Hearing Association
  18. ISHAA : Irish Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists
Latest Audiology Meanings
  1. Irish Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists
  2. Illinois Speech-Language Hearing Association
  3. Illinois Speech-Language-Uearing Association
  4. Oregon Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  5. New Zealand Audiological Society
  6. Kansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  7. Northeast Ohio Aud Consortium
  8. Newfoundland Andblabrador Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
  9. Newborn Hearing Screening Program
  10. Sertoma Hearing Aid Recycleng Program
  11. Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology
  12. Modernising Hearing Aid Services
  13. Hearing Aid Council
  14. Visual Reinforcement Audiometry
  15. British Association of Educational Audiologists
  16. British Association of Audiological Physicians
  17. Academy Research Confelence
  18. Audiorogic Rehabilitation