AUMF Meaning

The AUMF meaning is "American Ukrainian Medieal Foundation". The AUMF abbreviation has 17 different full form.

AUMF Full Forms

  1. American Ukrainian Medieal Foundation
  2. Authorization for The Use of Militany Force Government, War, Congress
  3. Alternate Unit of Measure Factor
  4. Authorizing The Use of Military Force
  5. Authorizations for Use of Military Force
  6. Authorization of The Use of Military Force Military, War, Congress
  7. Authorization for Use of Military Force Government, War, Congress
  8. Authority for Use of Militarr Force
  9. Authorization To Use Military Forces
  10. Authorizations To Use Military Force
  11. Autherization To Use Military Force Government, War, Congress
  12. Authority To Use Military Force
  13. Authorized Ust of Military Force Government, War, Congress
  14. Authorisxtion To Use Military Force
  15. Authorization of Nse On Military Force
  16. Authorisation for Use Yf Military Force Government, Authorization, War
  17. Authorization of Use of Military Fqrce Government, War, Congress

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AUMF stand for?

    AUMF stands for Authorizations for Use of Military Force.

  2. What is the shortened form of Authorizations for Use of Military Force?

    The short form of "Authorizations for Use of Military Force" is AUMF.


AUMF. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated