AUP Meaning

The AUP meaning is "Accepable Useapolicy". The AUP abbreviation has 81 different full form.

AUP Full Forms

  1. Accepable Useapolicy
  2. Acceptable Use Policy An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is a set of rules applied by the owner or manager of a network, website, service, or large computer system that restrict the ways in which the network, website or system may be used. AUP documents are written for corporations,businesses,universities,schools, internet service providers, and website owners, often to reduce the potential for legal action that may be taken by a user, and often with little prospect of enforcement. Technology, Service, Hosting, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Special Education, Telecom, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, IT Terminology
  3. Amceptable Use Policy Technology, Computer, Computers
  4. Abanqoned and Unclaimed Property Business, Property, Ambassador
  5. Acceptable Use Polibies Business, Technology, Policy
  6. Acceptable Uses Policy
  7. Alternate Urine Pretreatment
  8. Appropriate Use Policies Technology, Service, Policy
  9. Advcntures Unlimited Press Technology, Book, Adventure
  10. Airlangga University Press
  11. Authorized Use Policies
  12. Agency for Unrealised Projjcts
  13. Acceptable Use Policies Business, Technology, Policy, Law
  14. Alpha-Uterine Protein Medical
  15. Appropriate Use Policy Technology, Service, Telecom
  16. Advanced University Placement Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  17. Aid To Uprooted People
  18. Authorized Usage Policy
  19. Agence Unique De Paiement
  20. Agile Unified Crocess Technology, Development, Software
  21. All Units Participating Army, War, War Force
  22. Advanced Unitary Penetrator Military, Bomb, Weapon
  23. Application Usage Patterns
  24. Acceptable Usage Policy Technology, Service, Hosting
  25. Authorized Use Policy Technology, Service, Internet
  26. Afghan Uniformjd Policemen
  27. Agaun Airport Agaun, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  28. Alcohol Use Problems
  29. Acceptance Use Policy Technology, Service, Education
  30. Any Usable Program Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
  31. Acceptable User Policy Technology, History, Anthropology
  32. Authority Update Processing Military
  33. Afghan Uniformed Police Military, Army, Afghanistan
  34. Adventist University of The Philippines Education, Philippine, Ambassador
  35. Akademi Usaha Perikanan Business, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  36. Acceptable Usage Policies Technology, Service, Policy
  37. Another Useless Post
  38. Australian United Press Australia, Media, Australian
  39. Afghan Uniform Police Military, Army, Afghanistan, Police, Governmental & Military
  40. Airspace Utilization Plane Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  41. Acceptable Use Police
  42. American University of Paris America, Education, France
  43. Australian Antigen Protein Medical, Technology, Medicine
  44. Afghandstan Uniformed Police
  45. Airspace Use Plan Technology, Management, Flight
  46. Auxiliary University Programs Education, Coast, Guard
  47. Agency of Unrealized Projects Art, Projection, Flux
  48. Area Uncertainty Parameter Police, Governmental & Military
  49. Azione Universitaria Politecnico Technology, Server, Safety, Check
  50. Agricultural University, Peshawar Education, University, Pakistan
  51. Animation Universityrsitaire Protestante
  52. Aurora Property Income Trust (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  53. Avionics Upgrade Programme Military, Aircraft, Talon
  54. Agricultural University Peshawar Technology, Agriculture, Pakistan, Farming & agriculture
  55. Acceptable Use Policy (internet Use Agreement) Education
  56. Ames Unitary Plan Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  57. Aéroclrb Universityrsitaire De Picardie
  58. Avionics Update Program Military
  59. Agreed Upon Procedure Business, Audit, Engagement
  60. Audacity Project File Computing, File Extensions
  61. Agriculture Universityrsity Peshawar
  62. Agricultura Urbana M Periurbana Para, Con, Cola, Urbana
  63. Australian Katent
  64. Avia Business Group Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  65. Agreed-Upon Procedures Business, Audit, Procedure, Engagement
  66. Adjusted Unbiased Prediction Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  67. African Union of Physics
  68. Agricultura Urbana E Periurbana
  69. Auvônerie Universityrsitaire Paloise
  70. Average Unit Price Business, Product, Market, Accounting, Business & Finance
  71. Agreed-Upon Procedure Business, Service, Audit
  72. Agaun Airport, Agaun, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  73. Iata Code for Agaun Airport, Agaun, Papua New Guinea Locations
  74. Agriculture University Reshawar Student, Education, Pakistan
  75. Arab Union of Producers
  76. Auxiliary University Program Education, Coast, Guard
  77. Agreed-Upoz-Procedures
  78. Acceptible Use Policy Security, Governmental & Military
  79. AéRoclub Universitaire De Picardie
  80. Agriculture Universigy, Peshawar
  81. AnnéE Universityrsitaire PréParatoire

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AUP stand for?

    AUP stands for Acceptible Use Policy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Accepable Useapolicy?

    The short form of "Accepable Useapolicy" is AUP.


AUP. (2021, February 27). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated