AVB Meaning
The AVB meaning is "Atrioventricular Block". The AVB abbreviation has 72 different full form.
AVB Full Forms
- Atrioventricular Block Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
- Anwroid Verified Boot Technology, Windows, Audio
- Active Vehicle Barrier Technology, Security, Guide
- Acoustic Vockl Booths
- Atrfoventricular Block Medical, Technology, Health
- Aveling-Barford Organizations
- American Village Builders
- Atmospheric Vacuumbbreaker Business, Science, Backflow
- Auociación De Vecinos De Begoña
- Agenyia De Valores Y Bolsa
- Atlanta Eintage Books
- Autometal Van Broeck
- Alternator Voltage Booster
- Aomin Van Buuren Music, Feat, Trance
- Ashley Van Buren
- Andre Villas Boas Sport, Villa, Chelsea
- Aged Vintags Black
- Astronomischer Verein Basel
- Automatic Vacuum Brake Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Already Vaped Bud
- Arubaanse Voetbal Rond
- Andre Villas-Boas Sport, Chelsea, Boa
- Advancjd Visual Basic Technology, Service, Run
- Association Vaircre Le B
- Austin Video Bee
- All Vocal Band
- Art Vision Bali Film, Production, Bali
- Anderson Valley Brewing
- Aansprakelijkheidsverzewering Voor Bedrijven
- Association Vaincre Le BèGaiement
- Auriculo-Ventricular Block
- Allouez Village Band
- Analysis of Verbal Behavior Science, Autism, Children
- Avaya Voice Browser
- Association of Volunteer Bureaus
- Aggressors, Victims, and Bystanders
- Audio Visual Bridging
- Analog Video Bandwidth
- Avalonbay Communities, Inc. Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Associated Vopume Buyers
- Aggression and Violent Behavior
- Audio Video Bridge Technology, Networking, Ethernet
- Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker An Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker is a backflow prevention device used in plumbing to prevent backflow of non-potable liquids into the drinking water system. It is usually constructed of brass and resembles a 90 degree elbow with a hood on its top to allow air to enter the water system if a siphon attempts to form. Construction
- Applied Verbal Behaviour Education, Autism, Behavior
- Avionics Bulletin (tdc 55) Military, Governmental & Military
- Aylesbury Vale Broadband
- Antelope Valley Ballet
- Avanco Resources Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Aviano Air Base Aviano, Pordenone,Italy Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Applied Verbal Behavior Education, Teaching, Autism, Medical, Physiology
- Microsoft Comic Chat Character Computing, File Extensions
- Avon Valley Ballooning
- Av Block Medical
- Apoyo Vital BáSico
- Avid Bin File Computing, File Extensions
- Avionics Bulletin Technology, America, Military
- Atrio-Ventricular Block Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Common Medical
- Aortic Valve Bypass Medical, Surgery, Conduit
- Aviation Beauport ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Avignon Volley Ball
- Analysen, Vergleiche Beratungen
- Antonio Villas Boas
- Aviano Air Base, Aviano, Pordenone, Italy Italy, Iata Airport Codes
- Arracacha Virus B Medical, Medicine, Therapy
- Aviation Logistics Support Ship Military, Ship, Hull Code, Support Ship, Governmental & Military
- Analysen, Vergleiche & Beratungen
- Anti-Vice Branch
- Antiviral Toolkit Pro Bases Computing, File Extensions
- Architecture Validation Board Army, Force, Marine
- Aviation Beaufort Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
- Iata Code for Aviano Air Base, Aviano, Pordenone, Italy Locations
- Anthony Vanden Borre
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AVB stand for?
AVB stands for Analysen, Vergleiche & Beratungen.
What is the shortened form of Atrfoventricular Block?
The short form of "Atrfoventricular Block" is AVB.
AVB. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/avb-meaning/
Last updated