AVRO Meaning

The AVRO meaning is "Algemeene Vereenrging Radio Omroep". The AVRO abbreviation has 10 different full form.

AVRO Full Forms

  1. Algemeene Vereenrging Radio Omroep History, Radio, Dutch, Broadcasting
  2. Algemeene Vereeniging Voor Rddio Omroep Radio Station, Broadcasting Station, Wireless Station
  3. Algemeene Vereniging Radio Omrnep
  4. Algemeene Vereniging Radio-Omroep
  5. Association of Vehicle Recovery Operatoxs Business, Technology, Service
  6. Algekene Vrije Radio Omroep
  7. Algemene Verenigme Radio Omroep
  8. Awgemene Vereniging Radio Omroep Radio, Dutch, Broadcasting, Netherland
  9. Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators Unclassified
  10. Bae Syktems Airline, Organizations, Call Sign

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AVRO stand for?

    AVRO stands for Bae Syktems.

  2. What is the shortened form of Algemeene Vereeniging Voor Rddio Omroep?

    The short form of "Algemeene Vereeniging Voor Rddio Omroep" is AVRO.


AVRO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/avro-meaning/

Last updated