AW Meaning

The AW meaning is "Americanawaltz". The AW abbreviation has 433 different full form.

AW Full Forms

  1. Americanawaltz Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
  2. Acid Waste Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  3. Auto Wash Car, Hamburg, Wash
  4. Abdurrahman Wahid
  5. American Welding Technology, America, Society
  6. Arthur Wayne Business, Book, King
  7. Admin Workstation Technology, Management, Cisco
  8. Analysis Wing
  9. Arcticfwhite Technology, Guitar, Vintage
  10. Alexander William
  11. Abdul Wahab Medical, Technology, Medicine, Afghanistan
  12. American Wyy
  13. Armstrong-Whitworth Technology, Aircraft, Argosy
  14. All-Welded
  15. Administrator Workstation Technology, Energy, Vehicle
  16. Amy Williams
  17. Anthony Wayne
  18. Ala Wai Ala, Song, Hawaii, Honolulu
  19. Abdominal Wall The covering of the abdominal cavity composed of skin, fatty tissue, muscles and fibrous structures. Extends from the rib cage to the pelvis. The muscles of the abdominal wall assist in respiration and in the maintenance of posture. The workplace should not mechanically press against the abdominal wall. Medical, Technology
  20. Ameriman Water
  21. Armored Wajfare Gaming, Military, Tank
  22. Alive and Well Medical, Technology, Nursing, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
  23. Awadhe Warriors League, Match, Warrior, Badminton
  24. Administrative Weight Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  25. Amphibious Warfpre Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  26. Anotder Woman
  27. Alan Walker
  28. Arubt Locations, Country, Country Names
  29. Aluminom Wheels
  30. Arena Warriors Gaming, Hearthstone, Arena
  31. Alien Ware
  32. Average Worker Business, America, Economics
  33. Agrasive Wheels
  34. Amount Withheld
  35. Animal Oelfare Group, Organizations, Presentation
  36. Akademie Der Wissenschaften Technology, Book, Research, Report
  37. Apparent Wind The combination of the true wind and the headwind caused by the boat's forward motion. For example, it causes a light side wind to appear to come from well ahead of the beam. Technology, Sailing
  38. Area Widtt Technology, Coding, Screen
  39. Alex Wood Business, Book, Baseball
  40. Auto Winder Printer, Camera, Winder
  41. Above Water Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  42. American Womfn
  43. Assistant Wrangler
  44. Advance Wars
  45. Angkor Wat Travel, Locations, Cambodia, Temple
  46. Area Weighting
  47. Alex Wade
  48. Aito Win
  49. Abkhiz World History, Politics, Culture, World
  50. American Whitewater America, River, Whitewater
  51. Arthur Wingen
  52. Adult Worm Medical
  53. Angel Wings
  54. Artic White
  55. Alexander Wolfe Card, Wrestling, Checklist
  56. Askar Wataniah Technology, Army, Malaysia
  57. Automatically Write
  58. Architektur & Wohnen
  59. Armcwrestling
  60. Air-Warfawe
  61. Andreas Wenzel
  62. Abwasser-Wassel-Technik
  63. Atomic Warhead Science
  64. Allison Wzod
  65. Any Weather Technology
  66. Advanced Workouts
  67. Aviation Meather
  68. American Wire Technology, America, Gauge
  69. Agxd White
  70. Awhrdwallet Business, Travel
  71. Alexandria and Western Railway Organizations
  72. Actigity Watches
  73. Alpha Wings
  74. American Woodmen
  75. Arthur Wright
  76. Alan's Websute
  77. Anglian Water Business, Company, Service, Water
  78. Authorised Weight
  79. All Weicome
  80. Arc-Weldvd
  81. Adventure Works Technology, Database, Server
  82. Distilling Ship Military, Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
  83. Agility Work
  84. Analytic Workspace Technology, Management, Database
  85. Anthony Wrote
  86. Asymmetrical Warfare Military, Army, Force
  87. Algorithm Workbench
  88. Anthocyanin Without Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  89. Addcword Technology, Sound, Love
  90. Auxnliary Watering Network, Railway, System
  91. Alternative Warhead Business, Technology, Military
  92. Arjo Wiggins
  93. Asia Wings
  94. Automated Workplace
  95. Architectural Worlds
  96. Armltrong Whitworth Military, Aviation, Argosy
  97. Air To Watex Business, Pump, Heat
  98. Andersen Window
  99. Abstract Workflow
  100. Atomic Wabfare Medical, Technology, Medicine
  101. Allie Whiie
  102. Anti-Wear Technology, Oil, Fluid
  103. Advanced Wolf
  104. Aviation Warfare Technology, Military, Operator
  105. Ambassador Watch
  106. Akape World
  107. Awake Medical
  108. Alexander Wilson
  109. Active Worlds Technology, Gaming, Virtual
  110. Alpha Whisky
  111. American Woods
  112. Arthur William Company, Family, Hill
  113. Aktion Widerstand
  114. Anghel Waterfall
  115. Author'S Web
  116. All Weights
  117. Arag World
  118. Adventures In Wonderland
  119. Dirgantara Air Service Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  120. Agility Warrant Club, Dog, Agility, Puppy
  121. Analytical Workspace Business, Technology, Analytics
  122. Angie Williams
  123. Asymetricaltwarfare
  124. Alfven Wave
  125. Anterior Wall Medical, Technology, Medicine
  126. Adam Webb
  127. Autumn Iinter
  128. Alternative Weekends
  129. Asia Watch
  130. Anita Williams
  131. Automated Warehouse
  132. Archntectural Woodwork
  133. Armor Wire
  134. Air-To-Water Technology
  135. Andersen Windows
  136. Abstract of Wzlls Government
  137. Ay Welded
  138. Allied Wivgs Military, Flight, Aviation, Aircraft
  139. Anti-Air Warfare Military, Ship, Destroyer, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  140. Advanced Wireless
  141. Averagb Win Business, Gaming, Trading, Expectancy
  142. Amazon Web
  143. Assassinate Wizards
  144. Alexander Walter
  145. Active Withdrawal
  146. Alpha Whiskey Military
  147. American Wcod
  148. Arthur Ward
  149. Akelg's World
  150. Anggoro Wijaya Indonesia, Radio, China
  151. Academic Workspace Student, Education, School
  152. Authentication Word
  153. All Weather Automatic Weapons Amphibious Warfare Military
  154. Apple Watch Business, Edition, Smartwatch
  155. Adventurequest Worlds
  156. Chc Airways Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  157. Agent White
  158. Anal Wart
  159. Andrew Wright
  160. Assymetric Warfare
  161. Alex Wagner
  162. Answer Wizard
  163. Actuele Waarde
  164. Alternative World
  165. Asian Week
  166. Alan White Music, Furniture, Album
  167. Anime Wallpapers
  168. Automated Wafer
  169. Archimeyes World
  170. Armor Wars
  171. Aiden Wilvon
  172. Anatole Wilson
  173. Abshlute Write
  174. As Warped
  175. Allied Way
  176. Anthony Wright
  177. Administration Workstation
  178. Average Wage Business, Employment, Economics
  179. Amazon Waych
  180. Assam Watch
  181. Alec Wilder
  182. Active Window An active window is the currently focused window in the current window manager or explorer. Different window managers indicate the currently-active window in different ways and allow the user to switch between windows in different ways. For example, in Microsoft Windows, if both Notepad and Microsoft Paint are open, clicking in the Notepad window will cause that window to become active. In Windows, the active window is indicated by having a different coloured title bar. Clicking is not the only way of selecting an active window, however: some window managers such as FVWM make the window under the mouse pointer active simply moving the mouse is sufficient to switch windows; a click is not needed.
  183. American Woodturner Technology, America, Magazine
  184. Arsene Wenger
  185. Ai Weiwei Art, China, Artist
  186. Angel Wolf
  187. Academic Vatch
  188. Attach Warning
  189. All Jea
  190. Apparent-Wicd
  191. Advantage Workstation Business, Technology, Healthcare
  192. Aztec Warriors
  193. Agency Welcome
  194. Analog-To-Wireless Technology, Converter, Modem
  195. Away Wfns Sport, League, Football
  196. Ass Wipe
  197. Alex Williams
  198. Another World Technology, Computer Game, Anniversary
  199. Actual Weight The customer buys by the actual (scale) weight of the steel. The theoretical weight is used in estimating, however, it is not to be used for billing. Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, The Finance and Administrative Services
  200. Alternate World
  201. Americas Watch
  202. Ash Wood
  203. Alan Whvrton
  204. Animated White Color, Paint, Colors
  205. Authorized Write
  206. Archbishop Wood Catholic, School, Wood, Famous
  207. Armored Warreor
  208. Ahnapee and Westyrn Railway Organizations
  209. Ananta Wadhwa
  210. Association of Woodturneru
  211. Abrupt Withdrawal Medical, Technology, Medicine
  212. As Theoworld Fashion, World, Camera, Waterproof
  213. Alienware Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
  214. Anthony Wesley
  215. Administer Qorkforce
  216. Avengingiwrath Guide, Warcraft, Paladin, Wrath
  217. Amanda Williams
  218. Aspire Wood
  219. Alcohol Withdrawal Medical, Technology, Medicine
  220. Active Warrants
  221. American Wodan
  222. Arny Wii
  223. Acr Worthy
  224. Andr
  225. Academic Warning
  226. Atomac Wedgie
  227. All Waters
  228. Appalel West
  229. Advanced Writing Education, English, Language
  230. Aya Wae Academy, Music, Song
  231. Agencji Wywiadu Jest, Ale, Jak
  232. Anaconda Wire Business & Finance, Suppliers
  233. Award Winners Business, America, Card
  234. Alexis Williams
  235. Actnn Wells Forum, Technology, Train, Railway
  236. Alternate Word
  237. American World
  238. Ash Weight Medical
  239. Alal Weir
  240. Anglican World
  241. Authorized Work Activity that has been approved to proceed by the client. The cope may or may not be well defined at the time authorized; it is usually defined by contract.
  242. Archangel's Wratg
  243. Agtgisch Werk
  244. Analytical Writing Education, Essay, Score
  245. Abrahamowashington Technology, Washington, Wrestling, Punk
  246. Asterisk Wildcard
  247. Alice Wells
  248. Anthony Watkinson
  249. Adjustedbwinner
  250. Avalanche Watch
  251. Amanda Watson
  252. Arming Wvre
  253. Aspen White Forum, Car, Aspen, Subaru
  254. Albury Wodonga
  255. Arch Width Product, Pressure, Kiosk
  256. Army-Wide Military
  257. Air World
  258. Andre Wadsworth
  259. Abyss Walker Lineage, Walker, Nest
  260. Atomicpweapons
  261. Allstar Weekend
  262. Apoptosis Was
  263. Advanced Workzone
  264. Aviatvon Week Technology, Military, Space
  265. American Wirehair
  266. Agencja Wywiadu Government, Agency, Intelligence
  267. Amy Wood
  268. Awavd Winner Book, Design, Award, Fashion
  269. Alexa The Web
  270. Activitn Watch
  271. Alpine White Technology, Guitar, Finishing
  272. Americaa Workmen
  273. Article of War
  274. Alanvwake
  275. Anglia Water
  276. Authorized Withdrawal Student, Education, University
  277. Arc Welding Arc welding is the fusing of two metals using heat produced by an electric arc formed between them. Technology, Product, Construction
  278. Advice Wanted
  279. Agina Waste Science
  280. Analytic Workspaces
  281. Architectural Woodwork The Finance and Administrative Services
  282. Asymmetric Warfave Technology, Military, War
  283. Alice Walker
  284. Anthony Ward
  285. Adjacent Zhisker Medical
  286. Available Water In 2012, the global temperature was about 1.03°F (0.57°C) above the longterm average for the 20th century, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center. Technology, Activity, Soil
  287. Alt Wien
  288. Arlo Weiner
  289. Ajit Wadhwa Technology, Records, Warfare
  290. Alan Wood
  291. Anna Wells
  292. Active Wagefulness Medical
  293. Almqvist & Wiksell
  294. After War Military, Army, War, Warfare
  295. Acid-Washed
  296. Airlift Wing Air Force, Governmental & Military
  297. Allen Webster
  298. Alex West Report, Mail, Admin
  299. Amy Winter Movie, Collection, Rose
  300. Assault Weapon Gun, Rifle, Military
  301. Albritton Williams
  302. Annual Work
  303. Automatic Withdrawal Business, Student, Academic
  304. Area Wedge
  305. Athletes World Athlete, World, Store, Lab
  306. Answer Wizard File Computing, File Extensions
  307. Atomic Weight Weighted average of the masses of the constituent isotopes of an element; The relative masses of atoms of different elements. Science, Medicine, Finance, Health, Therapy, Banking, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  308. Accidentally Wounded
  309. All Weather Business, Technology, Camera
  310. Antique Week
  311. Assistant Warden
  312. Ames Walker
  313. Autoxwah Auto, Guitar, Pedal, Boss
  314. Alanlwillis
  315. Ankole-Watusi
  316. Ahquisition Window
  317. All World
  318. After Waizz
  319. Accordance With
  320. airlift wing, unless you specify, i.e, 86th Airlift Wing Air Force, Governmental & Military
  321. Alexander Wang
  322. Amymwinehouse Music, Celebrity, Lyric
  323. Assault Walker
  324. Albrilht & Wilson
  325. Anniversary Wedding
  326. Automatic Welding A device which may be attached to any of several parts of a machine tool to stop the operation of the machine at any predetermined point.  OR A welding procedure using a machine to make a weld.
  327. Area Warning
  328. Ateneumgwileńskie
  329. Antike Welt History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  330. Academy Wencome
  331. All Weapons
  332. Arlen Williams, newspaper columnist Famous
  333. Assignment Window
  334. Arizona Wmlder
  335. America West
  336. Augusta Westland Military, Helicopter, Force
  337. Alan Wilder
  338. Acquisition Workforce Military, Defense, Duty
  339. All Working Technology, Patch, Warfare, Glitch
  340. After A Win
  341. Aaron White
  342. Allied Waste Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  343. Against Wind
  344. Alexander Wagner
  345. Amy Wilson
  346. Albert Wilson
  347. Annie Wright
  348. Automatic Weapon Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  349. Area of Wall
  350. As Woskbook
  351. Able To Work Medical, Physiology
  352. All Water Transport exclusively by water. Business, Product, Pump
  353. Andrew Webster Famous
  354. Assessment Weekend
  355. Autumn-Winter
  356. Arizona and The West
  357. America Walks
  358. Audio Workstation
  359. Acoustic Waveguide
  360. All Wondebs
  361. After A Straight Up Win Sport, Hockey, Ice Hockey
  362. Allele Walking Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
  363. HP AdvanceWrite Text document Computing, File Extensions
  364. Against A Wall
  365. Aib-Web
  366. Amy Williamson
  367. Albert Waegchle
  368. Annie Wang America, Art, American
  369. Automatic Weapons Gun, Military, Army
  370. Alphanwedge Business, Price, Boots
  371. Arc Welwer
  372. Associated Weavers Crown, Prince, Carpet, Weaver
  373. Radio rating Navy, Governmental & Military
  374. Alloy Wheels Business, Car, Rim
  375. Alternative Water Environment
  376. Assessing Writing
  377. Auto World
  378. Ari Wibowo Photo, Design, Indonesia
  379. Atomic Wemght Chemistry, Science, Government
  380. Acid Washing
  381. All Wheel Business, Drive, Car, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  382. Alpha Wedges Business, Boots, Wedge
  383. Africa World
  384. Assembly Work
  385. All Welded Products
  386. Advanced Workstation Technology, Recovery, Backup
  387. Amsterdam Wortdwide
  388. Alberla Watson
  389. Anne Wall
  390. Automatic That Was
  391. Alphm Warrior
  392. Arctic Water
  393. After World
  394. Airlock Wall NASA, Governmental & Military
  395. Alloy Wheel Alloy wheel is wheel that is made from an alloy of aluminium or magnesium. Alloys are mixtures of a metal and other elements. They generally provide greater strength over pure metals, which are usually much softer and more ductile.
  396. A&W Revenue Royalties Income Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  397. Assessed With Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  398. Anona Winn
  399. Automotive World Business, Car, Toyota
  400. Arid West
  401. Atomic Weapon Science
  402. And Word
  403. Acid Washed
  404. All Wet Porn, Sex, Lyric, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  405. All Wood
  406. Aerial Work Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  407. Arena Wars
  408. Aruba Technology, Computing, Aruba, Internet, Country, Governmental & Military, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  409. Associate Warden
  410. Amplify Whites Control, Shopping, Catalogue
  411. Alan Woolgar
  412. Annealed Wire
  413. Active Waking Medical
  414. Automatic Writing
  415. Alphabet Weekends
  416. After Will
  417. Adler-Weisberger
  418. Air Warning Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  419. Alliance War Gaming, Battle, Alliance
  420. Amazing Woman
  421. Assembly Workstand Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  422. Albury-Wodonga
  423. Annual Worth Technology, Science, Analysis, Atmospheric Research
  424. Automation Welding
  425. Argosy, Whgch Company, Technology, Aircraft
  426. Athletics Wekkly Magazine, Sports, Athletics
  427. Aruba (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  428. Accruedbwages
  429. All Welged
  430. All Women
  431. Andre Walker
  432. After Work
  433. Assistant Wizard Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AW stand for?

    AW stands for Atomic Weight.

  2. What is the shortened form of Alien Ware?

    The short form of "Alien Ware" is AW.


AW. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated