AWACS Meaning

The AWACS meaning is "Airborne Warnings and Control Systems". The AWACS abbreviation has 22 different full form.

AWACS Full Forms

  1. Airborne Warnings and Control Systems Technology, Military, Aircraft
  2. Airborne Warnings and Control Se Technology
  3. Air Warning and Control System
  4. Airborne Warning and Air Control System
  5. Airborne Warning and Control System Law Enforcement, Science, Aviation, Army, Computing, Air Force, Telecom, Us Government, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  6. Airbone Warging and Control System
  7. Airborne Warning Y Control System Army, Force, Marine
  8. Aprborne Warning and Control Systems Military, Aircraft, Force
  9. Airborne Warkine and Control System Military
  10. Airborne Warning and Control Sytem Military
  11. Airborne Warning and Controlling System Technology
  12. Araenus Web Admin Control System
  13. Airbocne Warning and Control Squadron
  14. Airborne Early Warning and Command System Army, Force, Coast Guard
  15. Aerial Warningnand Control System
  16. A Weekend of Activities for County Scouters Scouting, Governmental & Military
  17. Airborne Warning and Control/Command System
  18. Advanced Warning and Control System NASA, Governmental & Military
  19. A War Against Commondsense Military, Army, Airforce
  20. Airborne Warning and Command Systems Military, Aircraft, Force
  21. Autonomous Wide Aperture Cluster Forfsurveillance
  22. Airborne Warning and Command System Technology, Military, Aircraft

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AWACS stand for?

    AWACS stands for Advanced Warning and Control System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Airbocne Warning and Control Squadron?

    The short form of "Airbocne Warning and Control Squadron" is AWACS.


AWACS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated