AWARE Meaning

The AWARE meaning is "Advancing Wellness and Resiliency In Education". The AWARE abbreviation has 44 different full form.

AWARE Full Forms

  1. Advancing Wellness and Resiliency In Education
  2. Advancing Wellness and Resilience In Education Government, Health, School
  3. Animal Waste Awareness In Resekrch and Extension
  4. Anti War Anti Racism Effort Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  5. Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education Technology, Design, Accessibility
  6. Alcohol Wisdom and Real Education Development, Learning, Study
  7. Anti-War Anti-Racism Effort
  8. Accelerating Work Achievement and Readiness for Employment
  9. Alcohol Wellnass Alternatives Research Education Development, Learning, Study
  10. Advancing Wellness and Resilience Education
  11. Anti-War, Anti-Racismmeffort
  12. Abused Women'S Active Response Emergency Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  13. Association of Women for Action and Research Singapore
  14. Alabamians Working for Adoption Reform and Education
  15. Animal Gelfare In Agricultural Research Endeavors Government, Farm, Congress
  16. Associates for World Action In Rehabilitation and Education Technology, Vision, Service
  17. Association of Whistler Area Residents for The Environment Community, Planning, Whistler
  18. Aquatic World Awareness, Responsibility, and Education
  19. Air, Water and Related Environment Centre Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  20. Animal Welfare and Rescue Effort
  21. Arming Women Against Rape and Endangerment Gun, Safety, Women
  22. Association of World Academics for Religious Education
  23. Aquatic World Awareness Responsibility Education Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  24. Aiding Women In Abuse and Rape Emxrgencies Alaska, Violence, Shelter
  25. Animal Welfare Association for Research and Education
  26. Aquatic World Awareness, Responsibility and Education Diving, Scuba, Dive
  27. Association for World Academics for Religious Education
  28. Abuatic World Awareness Responsibility and Education Diving, Locations, Scuba
  29. Action for Welfare and Awakening In Rural Environment
  30. Association for Wild Animal Rehabilitation and Education
  31. Australian Wildlife Assistance Rescue and Education
  32. Arming Women Against Rape & Endangerment Gun, Military, Safety
  33. Association for White Anti-Racist Education America, Education, Social
  34. Atlanta Wild Animal Rescue Effort Atlanta, Animal, Georgia
  35. Arlington Will Award and Recognize Educational
  36. Associated Water and Air Resources Engineers
  37. Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions
  38. Associated Water and Air Resources Engineers, Inc. Business, Company, Science
  39. Array of Wireless Access Repeater Elements
  40. Assisting Wlth Appropriate Rights In Education
  41. Awareness Statistics Wikipedia
  42. Assessment of Warning-Shgns of Relapse Medical, Medicine, Organizations, Therapy
  43. Automated Warning and Response Engine
  44. Assessing Worldwide Antimicrobial Resistance Evaluation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AWARE stand for?

    AWARE stands for Association of Whistler Area Residents for The Environment.

  2. What is the shortened form of Association for World Academics for Religious Education?

    The short form of "Association for World Academics for Religious Education" is AWARE.


AWARE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated