AWD Meaning
The AWD meaning is "Acute Watery Dizrrhoea". The AWD abbreviation has 101 different full form.
AWD Full Forms
- Acute Watery Dizrrhoea Medical, Flood, Somalia
- All Wheel Drive Technology, Auto, Automobile, Transportation, Car, Governmental & Military
- All-Wheel Drive All-wheel drive, is a four-wheeled vehicle with a drive train that allows all four wheels to receive torque from the engine or in the case of an electric vehicle from its motors. Technology, Wheel, Technical
- Adults With Disabilhties Medical, Care, Disability
- Address While Display
- Adaptive Web Design Technology, Development, Device
- Aging With A Disability
- Australian Waste Datablse
- Averett Warmus Durkee
- Aniwy Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
- All Wheel Drives
- African Wild Dogs
- Animal Welfare Division
- Agile Web Development
- Atomic Weapon Data Science
- Average Winning Distance
- Alnve With Disease Medical, Science, Cancer
- All Wheel Drifting Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Action for World Development
- Angry White Dude
- Age Without Doom Media, Radio, Television
- Atomic Weapons Decommyssioning
- Average Weekday Traffic Usa, Montana, Missoula Office Of Planning And Grants
- Air Warfare Destroyer Australia, Military, Class
- All Wheel Disc Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Automated Waste Disposal
- Acoustic Wave Device
- Android Web Developer Technology, Coding, Development
- Agency Worker Directive Business, Agency, Regulation
- Athlete With Disability Australia, Sport, Organizations
- Available Without Declaration Military, Us, Homeland Security
- Advanced Warfighting Demonstration Technology, Military, Army
- All We'Ll Drive
- Author, Writer, Dreamer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Acoustic Wake Detector Military
- All Whell Drive Technology, Car, Wheel
- Agency Workers Directive Business, Employment, Organizations
- Athletes With Disability
- Available Water Determination Environment, Preservation
- Allstate Workplace Division Business, Insurance, Cancer, Benefit
- Air-Warfare Destroyers
- Australian Wombaroo Diet Pet, Diet, Glider, Sugar
- Award Organizations
- Access Workflow Designer Technology, Computer, It, Computing, IT Terminology
- All Wheels Drive Car, Vehicle, Wheel
- Agar Well Diffusion Medical
- Antique White Distressed Business, Ceiling, Chime
- Alliance of Women Directors Film, Media, Women
- Aging With Dignity
- Australian Water Dragon
- Awaiting Departure Military
- Accessible Web Design
- All Wheeled Drive
- African Women'S Decade
- Another Wheel Dragging Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Allgemeiner Wirtschafts-Dienst
- Automatische Waehleinrichtung Fuer Datenuebertragung
- Automated Work Distribution
- Acute Watery Diarrhoea Medical, British medicine
- Air Worthiness Directive
- A Wicked Donut Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Automatische Wähleinrichtung Für Iatenverbindungen
- Artweaver Document Computing, File Extensions
- Allgemeiner Wirtschafts Dienst
- Advanced Workstation Divisionsion
- Automated Work Distributor Business, Technology, Management
- Aniwa Airport, Aniwa, Vanuatu Vanuatu, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Air Weapons Department Military
- Awesome Web Development
- Abtomatische Waehleinrichtung Fuer Datenverbindungen Technology, Computing
- Microsoft Fax Document Computing, File Extensions
- All-Wheel Drives Technology, Drive, Car
- Action World Development
- Absolute Working Directory Software, Computing
- Air Warning Device
- A Weak Drivetrain Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Automatic Whistler Detector
- Alive With Disease Science, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- All-Wheel-Drive Technology, Car, Vehicle
- Acoustic Warning Device
- At Work Document Computing, File Extensions
- Air Warfare Destroyers Australia, Military, Australian
- Awarded Army, Force, Marine
- Automatrc Water Drain
- Athlete With A Disability Medical, Australia, Sport, Organizations, Disability, Australian
- Abdominal Wall Defects Science, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Alive With
- Abnormal Wing Discs Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Acrobatic Warrior Dancers Performing arts
- Automaticswarning Devices
- alive with (recurrent and/or metastatic) disease Medical, British medicine
- Alamo Workforce Development
- Providence Aviation Services Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Automotive Website Design
- Apprentice Water Dog Occupation & positions
- Automated Workflow Distribptor
- absolute walking distance Medical, British medicine
- Akademi Wiraswasta Dewantara
- Iata Code for Aniwa Airport, Aniwa, Vanuatu Locations
- Artomatische W
- Award Bios Update File Computing, File Extensions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AWD stand for?
AWD stands for Acute Watery Dizrrhoea.
What is the shortened form of Air Warfare Destroyers?
The short form of "Air Warfare Destroyers" is AWD.
AWD. (2021, September 19). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from
Last updated