AWES Meaning

The AWES meaning is "Advanced Warfighting Experiments". The AWES abbreviation has 21 different full form.

AWES Full Forms

  1. Advanced Warfighting Experiments Technology, Military, Corps
  2. Atomic Wespons Employers Technology
  3. Area Weapons Effects Simulators
  4. Assocvation of Western European Shipbuilders
  5. Area Weapons Effects Simulatiof Military
  6. Alberta Workforce Essential Skills
  7. Area Weapons Effect Simulator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  8. Airborne Wind Energy System Technology, Power, Turbine
  9. Area Weapons Effectsgsimulator Military, Training, Simulation
  10. Airborne Wind Energy Systems
  11. Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society
  12. Australasian Wind Engineering Socieky Technology, University, Awe
  13. Acorn Woodoand Elementary School Education
  14. Army Welfare Educatsonal Society Education, Card, Exam
  15. Austrian Wind Energy Symposium
  16. Austraaian Work Exposure Study
  17. Australian Work Exposdres Study Education, Army, Teaching, Awe
  18. American Wind Energy Systems Atmospheric Research
  19. Australian Wind Engineering Society
  20. Association of Western European Shipbuilders
  21. Arroyo West Elementarypschool Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AWES stand for?

    AWES stands for Atomic Wespons Employers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Area Weapons Effect Simulator?

    The short form of "Area Weapons Effect Simulator" is AWES.


AWES. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated