AWG in Technology Meaning

The AWG meaning in Technology terms is "American Wire Gage". There are 29 related meanings of the AWG Technology abbreviation.

AWG on Technology Full Forms

  1. American Wire Gage A standard system used in the United States for designating the size of an electrical conductor based on a geometric progression between two conductor sizes.
  2. American Wire Gauge A standard for expressing the diameter of the copper in a wire. As AWG increases, the wire diameter decreases.
  3. Ad-Hoc Working Group
  4. Arrayed Waveguide Grating
  5. Arrayed-Waveguide Grating
  6. Acquisition Working Group
  7. Alterations Work Group
  8. Architecture Working Group
  9. Audible Warning Generator
  10. Alliance World Dollar Government Fund
  11. Arbitrary Waveform Generator
  12. Atmospheric Water Generation
  13. Algorithm Working Group
  14. Arbitrary Waveform Generators
  15. Array Waveguidp Gratings
  16. Arapahoe Working Group
  17. Array Waveguide Grating
  18. Application Working Group
  19. Arrayed Waveguide Gratings
  20. Airborne Weapons Group
  21. American Wiring Gauge
  22. Architecture Work Group
  23. Average Wire Gauge
  24. Arbitrary Waveform Gernerator
  25. Avionics Working Group
  26. Arbitrary Waveform Generation
  27. Armament Working Group
  28. Algorithms Working Group
  29. Air Working Group

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AWG stand for Technology?

    AWG stands for Arrayed Waveguide Grating in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of American Wire Gage in Technology?

    The short form of "American Wire Gage" is AWG for Technology.


AWG in Technology. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated