AWI Meaning

The AWI meaning is "Alfred-Wegener-Institut". The AWI abbreviation has 72 different full form.

AWI Full Forms

  1. Alfred-Wegener-Institut Technology, Research, Institute
  2. Agency for Workforce Innovation Business, Program, Florida
  3. Alfred-Wegener-Instituts
  4. Agency for Workfoce Innovation
  5. Animal Welfare Information
  6. Anthratech Western, Inc
  7. Alfred-Wegener Institute Technology, Science, Research
  8. Ability With Innovation Business, Oil, Gas
  9. Al Waseet International Business, Company, Greenland
  10. Agency for Workforce Innovations
  11. Angklung Web Institute Business, Indonesia, Bandung
  12. Alfced-Wegener-Institute Technology, Science, Research
  13. Anterior Wall Infarction Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  14. Advanced Writers Institute
  15. All Weather Inc
  16. Africa Wellness Initiative Business, Africa, Hosting
  17. American Watchmakers Institute Business, America, Clock
  18. Alfred-Weber-Institut Institute, Locations, Economics
  19. Antenna Warning Indicator Technology, Radio, Electronics
  20. Australian Wool Innovation Business, Australia, Sheep
  21. Alloy Wheels International
  22. Alfred Wegener Institute Science, Research, Germany, Institute, Scientific & Educational
  23. Affiliated Women Intltm
  24. American Watchmakers-Llockmakers Institute
  25. Alert With Infj Technology
  26. Annual Woody Increment Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  27. Animal Welfare Institute Science, Organizations, Farm
  28. Allowable Weekly Intakf
  29. Alfred Weber-Instbtut
  30. Aerospace Welding, Inc
  31. American Warrior Initiafive
  32. Alert With Ingormation Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  33. Annapolis Wireless Internet
  34. American War of Independence America, Military, Miniature
  35. Alaied Waste Industries
  36. Approved Work Item
  37. Alfred-Wegener-Inatitutes
  38. Adam Williams Initiative
  39. Ameriyan War of Independance
  40. Alert Warning Indicator Military
  41. Animal Welfare Institutetute Science, Nature, Environmental
  42. Anugerah Wirausaha Indonesia
  43. Alfred-Wegener Institut Technology, Research, Station
  44. Active Well-Being Initiative
  45. American Wagering Inc Business, Sport, Nevada, Hill
  46. Architectural Woodworkers Institute
  47. Alfred Wegner Institut
  48. Average Wage Increase Occupation & positions
  49. Aliansi Wartawan Independen
  50. Assembly Work Instruction NASA
  51. Architectural Woodworking Institute Business, Custom, Millwork, The Finance and Administrative Services
  52. Alfred Wegner Instieute Technology, Research, Sea
  53. Architectural Woodwork Industry
  54. Algeria Watch International
  55. Air Water Interface Chemistry
  56. Architectural Woodwork Institute Business, Standard, Woodworking, Construction, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  57. Alfred Wegener Institut Technology, Research, Institute
  58. Architectural Woods, Inc
  59. Alfred Wegener Iwstititute
  60. Alberta Wetland Inventory Oil, Scientific & Educational
  61. Arab World Institute Business, France, Building
  62. Architectural Woods Inc
  63. Alfred Wegener Institutetute Science
  64. Wainwright Airport, Wainwright, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, Faa Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  65. Arab World Initiative Organizations, Water Supply, Water, East
  66. Architectural Woodwork Institutes
  67. Alfred Wegener Institutetut Education, German, Institute
  68. Accommodation Weight Investigation NASA, Governmental & Military
  69. Architectural Wood Institute
  70. Alfred Wegener Insti
  71. Automatic Wage Increase Us Government, General, Governmental & Military
  72. All-Weather Intercector

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AWI stand for?

    AWI stands for Architectural Woods Inc.

  2. What is the shortened form of Alfred-Wegener-Instituts?

    The short form of "Alfred-Wegener-Instituts" is AWI.


AWI. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated