AWR Meaning

The AWR meaning is "Adventist World Radio". The AWR abbreviation has 69 different full form.

AWR Full Forms

  1. Adventist World Radio Technology, Language, Schedule, Media, Religion
  2. Academic Writing Requirement
  3. American States Water Co. Organizations
  4. American States Water Company Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  5. Air Worthiness Release Technology, Military, Army, Military Slang, Governmental & Military
  6. Agency Work Regulations Business, Employment, Service
  7. Agency Workers Regulation Business, Company, Employment
  8. Australia Western Railroad
  9. Airborne Weather Radar A radar installation in an aircraft to give the flight crew information about the weather along their route. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  10. Annual Wage Report
  11. Aluminum Walk Ramps
  12. Adaptive Wireless Routing Technology, Aruba, Mesh
  13. Annual Wage Reporting Business, Employment, Government
  14. Australian Western Railroad
  15. Agent Web Ranking
  16. Aluminum Walk Ramp
  17. Automatically Workload Repository
  18. Active Workload Repository
  19. American Water Relief
  20. Asymmetric Warfare Regiment
  21. Agency Working Regulations Business, Employment, Service
  22. Alpha Whiskey Romeo Technology
  23. Automated Workload Repository Technology, Database, Performance
  24. Airway Restriction Health, Body, Organism
  25. Active Wide Range
  26. American Warrior Revolution
  27. Arab-West Report
  28. Agency Worker Regulation Business, Employment, Contractor
  29. All Weather Roofing
  30. Automated Work Request Military
  31. Airway Resistance The resistance, usually measured as a pressure drop, which must be overcome for air to flow through the airway. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  32. Active Web Reader
  33. American Warmblood Registry
  34. Applied Water Resources
  35. Agency Worker Regulations Business, Employment, Contractor
  36. All Wacht Rennwanz
  37. Air Warning Range Military
  38. Army War Reserve Military
  39. Amazing Women Rock
  40. Agency Workers Regulations Business, Employment, Contractor
  41. Anthropology of Work Review
  42. Australian Wifi Recon
  43. Aircraft Window Repairs
  44. Applied Wave Research Technology, Design, Microwave
  45. Amarillo Wildlife Refuge
  46. Additional Work Request
  47. Anthony Woodford Racing
  48. Axle Weight Rating Military
  49. Alliance for The Wild Rockies Group, Locations, Environment, Wolf
  50. Automatic Write Reallocation
  51. Air Weapons Range Military, Indonesia, Bomb
  52. Away Win Rate
  53. All-Weather Road
  54. Air Weapon Range Para, Military, Indonesia
  55. Awaruite Mineral, Geology, Component
  56. Alaska Wild River
  57. Awar Airport Airport, Locations
  58. Alaskan Wildlife Refuge
  59. Awar Airport, Awar, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  60. Auto Wheel and Rim
  61. Alaskan Wilderness Rifles
  62. Annual Wastewater Report Environment
  63. Australian Wood Review
  64. Auto Warranty Reviews
  65. Alaskan Wilderness Rifle
  66. Iata Code for Awar Airport, Awar, Papua New Guinea Locations
  67. Allowed With Restrictions
  68. Automatic Write Relocation
  69. Air Worthiness Releases

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AWR stand for?

    AWR stands for Anthropology of Work Review.

  2. What is the shortened form of Amazing Women Rock?

    The short form of "Amazing Women Rock" is AWR.


AWR. (2021, February 28). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated