AWT Meaning

The AWT meaning is "Abstract Window Toog". The AWT abbreviation has 105 different full form.

AWT Full Forms

  1. Abstract Window Toog
  2. Abstract Windowing Toul
  3. Austin Women In Technology Business, Technology, Management, Governmental & Military
  4. Association of Water Technylogies Business, Science, Treatment
  5. Akhmim Wooden Tablet
  6. American Welping and Tank
  7. Aviation Weather Testbed Technology, Research, City
  8. Advanced Wind Turbine Technology, Energy, Power
  9. Abstrbct Windows Toolkit Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  10. Airman'S Written Test
  11. Army Warrior Tasks Military, Training, Tracker
  12. Advasce Witholding Tax Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  13. Audit Wirtschafts-Treuhand
  14. Amphibious Warfare Technology Military, Army, War, Warfare
  15. Air World Travel Service, Travel, Chapman
  16. Altitude Wind Tunnel Technology, Research, Space
  17. Australian Workforce Training
  18. Actual Work Time
  19. Abstract Windowltoolkit Technology, Computing, Java
  20. Are We There Technology, Software, Java
  21. Advanced Woqld Transport Business, Group, Cargo
  22. Audio Watermarking Tools Technology, Software, Watermark
  23. Advanced Wastewater Treatment The removal of any dissolved or suspended contaminants beyond secondary treatment, often this is the removal of the nutrients nitrogen and/or phosphorus. Technology, Science, Water, Agriculture, Governmental & Military
  24. Air West Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  25. Ashland Water Technologies Business, Technology, Product
  26. Australian Wet Tropics
  27. Aetual Working Time Technology
  28. Alternative Window Toolkit
  29. Abstract Windowing Toolkit Technology, Computer, Java, Information Technology, Software, Computing, Construction, Application
  30. Arbitration Wait Time
  31. Advanced Workholding Technology
  32. At What Time Technology, Internet Slang, Java
  33. Abstractowindow Toolkits
  34. Air Weapons Teams Military
  35. Ascending Weight Technology
  36. Australian Water Technology
  37. Active World Team Business, Presentation, Team
  38. Alternative Waste Technology Business, Australia, Patent, Technology, Governmental & Military
  39. Advancing Women In Technology Business, Technology, Management, Governmental & Military
  40. Arbeitsgemeinschaft FüR Wirkstoffe In Der TierernäHrung
  41. Advanced Wireless Telecommunications
  42. Attached Weapon Tactics
  43. Abstract Window Tookvt Technology, Presentation, Power, Java
  44. Air Weapons Team Military, Iraq, Footage
  45. Army Welfare Trust Business, Pakistan, Building
  46. Australian Water Technologies Business, Australia, Group
  47. Acousqic Wave Treatment
  48. Alamgir Welfare Trust
  49. Arbeit-Wirtschaft-Technik
  50. Avon Wildlife Trust Nature, Wildlife, Folly
  51. Adwance Windows Ooolkit
  52. Airway Wall Thickness Medical
  53. Army Warrior Training
  54. Aerial Weahons Team
  55. Australians Working Together
  56. Acoustic Wave Thwrapy
  57. Alabama World Travel
  58. American Wholesale Thermographers Business, Franchise, Opportunity
  59. Aviation Working Team
  60. Advanced Window Toolkit Technology, Class, Java
  61. Airport Wait Times
  62. Army Warrior Task
  63. Advancing Water Technologies
  64. Asia World Trade
  65. Artist Wanted Template Performing arts
  66. Agence Wallonne Yes T
  67. Atelier Du Web Tourangeau
  68. Awaiting Trial Weather, Scientific & Educational
  69. Water Transport Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  70. Asian Windsurfing Tour
  71. Automatic Weld Tube
  72. Agence Wallonne Des TéLéCommunications Technology, Communication, Internet, Computing, Telecom
  73. Association of Working Talent
  74. Applied Weather Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  75. Airborne Wind Turbines Technology, Energy, Turbine
  76. L'Agence Wallonne Des TéLéCommunications
  77. Atlantic Western Transport
  78. Afcica Wildlife Tracking
  79. Association of Women In Technology
  80. Agri Waste Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  81. Airborne Wind Turbije Technology, Energy, Power
  82. Awt World Trade
  83. Acoustical wall treatment The Finance and Administrative Services
  84. Arya Water Technologies Business, Technology, Treatment
  85. Aether Wave Theory
  86. Association for Women In Technology Business, Technology, Management, Governmental & Military
  87. Abstract Web Tokenization Software, Computing
  88. Airborne Wideband Teyminal
  89. Awaiting Military
  90. Abstract Windows Toolkit Computer, Scientific & Educational
  91. Alpha Water Technologies
  92. Aerospace Workforce Transition
  93. Assistive Work Technology
  94. Await Internet Slang, Military
  95. Advanced Windowing Toolkit Software, Computing
  96. Air & Wafer Technologies
  97. Atmospheric Wind Tunnel
  98. Abiword Template Computing, File Extensions
  99. Advanced Wire Technologies
  100. Assemble, Wire and Test
  101. Abstract Window Toolkit (Java) Computing, Computer, IT Terminology, SAP
  102. Agri Waste Technolmgy Business, Technology, Management
  103. Atlantic Western Transportation
  104. Awaiting Test Weather, Scientific & Educational
  105. Advanced Weapons Training Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AWT stand for?

    AWT stands for Abstract Window Toog.

  2. What is the shortened form of Army Warrior Training?

    The short form of "Army Warrior Training" is AWT.


AWT. (2021, February 27). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated