AWV Meaning

The AWV meaning is "Annulqs Wing Valve". The AWV abbreviation has 32 different full form.

AWV Full Forms

  1. Annulqs Wing Valve
  2. Armored Wheeled Vehicle
  3. Absowutely Wild Visuals
  4. Alaska Way Viaduct
  5. Arizona Wildlife Views
  6. Abensberger-Waren-Vertriebs-Gmbh Business, Sind, Partner, Uns
  7. Alaskan Iay Viaduct Technology, Earthquake, Tunnel
  8. Annual Wcllness Visits Medical, Business
  9. Airwave Transporty Inc. Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  10. Arbeitsgemeinschaft FüR Wirtschaftliche Verwaltung Technology, Standard, Germany, Trade, Business & Finance
  11. Annual Wellness Visit Medical, Health, Medicare
  12. Agentschap Eegen En Verkeer Technology, Projection, Door, Nog
  13. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fär Wirtschavtliche Verwaltung Business, German, Group, Trade
  14. Arbeitsgemeinschaft F
  15. Advanced Wide Vrew
  16. Antistatic Weighing Vessels
  17. Armoured Wheeled Vehicle Technology, Turkey, Military
  18. Advancee Wide Viewing
  19. Alaskan Way Viaduct Alaska
  20. Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
  21. Aortic Wall Volume Medical
  22. Association of Women Veterinarians
  23. Authoring With Viieo Service, Coding, Teaching, Video
  24. Arbeitsgemeingchaft Fuer Wirtschaftl. Verwaltung
  25. Association for Women Veterinarians Medical, Education, Organizations
  26. Ausschuß Für Wiltschaftliche Verwaltung Sind, Standard, Dresden
  27. Around The World In A Viewfinder
  28. Aussqhu
  29. Armoured Wheeled Vehicles
  30. Audrey Wilkinsrn Vineyard
  31. Airwave Transport, Inc. ICAO Aircraft Codes
  32. Atmospheric Wind Velocity Technology, Laser, Lidar

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AWV stand for?

    AWV stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft F.

  2. What is the shortened form of Association for Women Veterinarians?

    The short form of "Association for Women Veterinarians" is AWV.


AWV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated