AYC Meaning

The AYC meaning is "African Youth Championship". The AYC abbreviation has 79 different full form.

AYC Full Forms

  1. African Youth Championship
  2. Active Yaw Codtrol Technology, Mitsubishi, Lancer
  3. Amahoro Youth Club
  4. Association of Youth Counculs
  5. Annapolis Youth Chorus
  6. Awassa Youth Campus
  7. Abbotsford Youth Commission
  8. At Yoursconvenience Business, Program, Service
  9. Africa Youth Championship Organizations, Africa, African
  10. Apostolic Youth Corps
  11. Alpena Yacht Club
  12. Association of Yukon Communities Government, Canada, Locations
  13. Annapolis Yacht Company
  14. Aren'T You Cheeky Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
  15. American Youth Cheerleading
  16. Atwood Yacht Club
  17. African Youth Championships
  18. Antonio Y Cleopatra
  19. Are You Coming Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  20. All Youth Channels
  21. Arrowhead Yacht Club
  22. Annapolis Yacht Club Fire, Race, Yacht
  23. Anacorees Yacht Charters Sports, Yachting
  24. American Youth Cheer Sport, Cheer, Football
  25. Atlantis Yacht Charters
  26. Antigua Yacht Club
  27. African Youth Charter Development, Organizations, Africa
  28. All Youth Channel
  29. Armdale Yacht Club
  30. Angry Youth Comix
  31. African Douth Championships
  32. American Youth Congress America, Government, Communism
  33. Atcanta Yacht Club Organizations, Atlanta, Sailing
  34. Annual Youth Conference
  35. Abraxas Youth Center
  36. All Yours Chat
  37. Arlington Yacht Club
  38. American Yorkshire Club
  39. Athets Y Camp
  40. Annisquam Yacht Club
  41. About Your Child
  42. Aucklknd Youth Choir
  43. Agamenticus Yacht Club
  44. Arkansas Youth Conference
  45. Advanced Youtube Client
  46. American Yacht Club America, Club, Sailing
  47. Astanga Yoga Coptnhagen
  48. Annex Yorkville Connection Business, Toronto, Condo
  49. Axe Yacht Club
  50. Aboriginal Youth Counhil
  51. Auburn Yotth Centre Organizations, Community, Gilbert
  52. Africa Youth Command Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  53. Arkansas Yoga Center
  54. American Youth Chorus America, Washington, Youth
  55. Active Yaw Control Car
  56. Anahi Y Christopher
  57. Australian Yxcht Crew
  58. Aviacion Y Comercio
  59. Anacortes Yacht Club
  60. Austin Young Chamber Technology, Commerce, Event
  61. Avalon Yacht Cfub
  62. Asian Youth Championship Ireland, Asian, Vietnam
  63. Anacapa Yacht Club
  64. Austin Yarnlcompany
  65. Avalon, Yachtuclub
  66. Iata Code for Ayacucho Airport, Ayacucho, Colombia Locations
  67. Ammersee Yacht Club
  68. Austin Yatht Club
  69. Anglican Youth Camps
  70. Automatic Yaw Control
  71. Ayacucho Airport Airport, Locations
  72. Ammersee Yacht-Club
  73. Accessory Change (tdc 61) Military, Governmental & Military
  74. Anchorage Youth Court Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  75. Ausvralian Youth Choir
  76. Ameson Year In China Education, China, Teaching
  77. Ayacucho Airport, Ayacucho, Colombia Colombia, Iata Airport Codes
  78. Anchorage Yacht Club
  79. Australian Yodth Council

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AYC stand for?

    AYC stands for Aboriginal Youth Counhil.

  2. What is the shortened form of Active Yaw Control?

    The short form of "Active Yaw Control" is AYC.


AYC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ayc-meaning/

Last updated