B in Medical Meaning
The B meaning in Medical terms is "Black". There are 27 related meanings of the B Medical abbreviation.
B on Medical Full Forms
- Black Designation applied to information systems, and to associated areas, circuits, components, and equipment, in which national security information is encrypted or is not processed.
- Brucella
- Below Undernearth the surface of the water. Undernearth a deck or decks
- Before On the forward side of
- Blood Blood is a bodily fluid in animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. When it reaches the lungs, gas exchange occurs when carbon dioxide is diffused out of the blood into the alveoli and oxygen is diffused into the blood.
- Brown
- Back To back engines is to put them astern To back an oar is to reverse the action of rowing and propel the boat astern To back a sail is to haul its clew to windward To back anchor is to lay another anchor ahead of it, and with a cable or hawser extending tautly between them Wind is said to 'back' when it changes direction anti-clockwise
- Breakfast
- Bacillus Bacillus is a genus of gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria and a member of the phylum Firmicutes. Bacillus species can be obligate aerobes, or facultative anaerobes. They will test positive for the enzyme catalase when there has been oxygen used or present. Ubiquitous in nature, Bacillus includes both free-living and parasitic pathogenic species.
- Biological
- Bathroom
- Bilateral Agreement or involvement or action by two parties, people, companies, countries, etc. See Unilateral and Multilateral.
- Born
- Adenosine A purine nucleoside found in DNA, RNA, and many cofactors.
- Bidirectional The device accommodates signals traveling either direction though a single channel. OR Any system having two directions. OR Bidirectional Operating in two directions. A bidirec-tional printer can print from left to right and from right to left; a bidirectional bus can transfer signals in both direc-tions between two devices.
- Buccal Of or pertaining to the mouth or cheeks.
- Background In computers and mobile communications devices, wallpaper also desktop picture and desktop background is an image used as a background of a graphical user interface on a computer screen or mobile communications device. On a computer it is usually for the desktop, while for a mobile phone it is usually the background for the 'home' or 'idle' screen. Though most devices comes with a default picture, users can usually change it to files of their choosing.
- Business 1. A firm. 2. The activities engaged in by firms.
- Blind Unable to see. Without part or all of the sense of sight. In a clinical trial, not to know the treatment given or received. The participant is not told whether they are in the experimental or control arm of the study.
- Borneo
- Asparagine Asparagine, encoded by the codons AAU and AAC, is an α-amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins. It contains an α-amino group which is in the protonated −NH+
- Brother
- Bone Marrow-Derived Lymphocyte
- Bronchial, Bronchus
- Blue
- Biotech
- Blackeye
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does B stand for Medical?
B stands for Before in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Brown in Medical?
The short form of "Brown" is B for Medical.
B in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 1). Retrieved February 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/b-meaning-in-medical/
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