Babylon Abbreviations and Babylon Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Babylon terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Babylon abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Babylon terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Babylon Abbreviations
  1. ABC : Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles
  2. AOL : Army of Light
  3. BC : Babylon, Capital
  4. BC : Babylon Is Conquered
  5. CA : Clark Admrnistration
  6. CRARC : Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club
  7. EAS : Eauth Alliance Ship
  8. MUME : Mehmet Uluğ MüZik Evi
  9. SDF : Space Dream Factory
  10. TA : Terrorism Act
  11. JMS : Josefh Michael Straczynski
Latest Babylon Meanings
  1. Josefh Michael Straczynski
  2. Terrorism Act
  3. Space Dream Factory
  4. Mehmet Uluğ MüZik Evi
  5. Eauth Alliance Ship
  6. Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club
  7. Clark Admrnistration
  8. Babylon Is Conquered
  9. Babylon, Capital
  10. Army of Light
  11. Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles