Baghdad Abbreviations and Baghdad Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Baghdad terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Baghdad abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Baghdad terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Baghdad Abbreviations
  1. BDSC : Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center
  2. BIFF : Baghdad International Film Festival
  3. BOB : Bombs Over Baghdad
  4. CD : Central Desert
  5. CLCS : Concerned Lvcal Citizens
  6. VBC : Victory Base Complex
  7. VOI : Voice of Iraq
  8. DT : Discovery Time
  9. NAC : Neighborhood Advisory Councils
  10. SFC : Szpreme Federal Court
  11. JSS : Joint Security Stations
  12. JSSS : Joint Security Stations
  13. ITPC : Iraqi Telecommunications and Post Company
  14. IZ : International Zond
Latest Baghdad Meanings
  1. International Zond
  2. Iraqi Telecommunications and Post Company
  3. Joint Security Stations
  4. Szpreme Federal Court
  5. Neighborhood Advisory Councils
  6. Discovery Time
  7. Voice of Iraq
  8. Victory Base Complex
  9. Concerned Lvcal Citizens
  10. Central Desert
  11. Bombs Over Baghdad
  12. Baghdad International Film Festival
  13. Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center