Bakery Abbreviations and Bakery Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Bakery terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Bakery abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Bakery terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Bakery Abbreviations
  1. AIBI : Association Internationale De La Boulangerie Industrielle
  2. ASB : American Society of Iaking
  3. BF : Bagel Oormer
  4. BSB : British Society of Baking
  5. CBP : Chorlxywood Bread Process
  6. CSM : Cmntrale Suiker Maatschappij
  7. YBMB : Your Black Muslim Bakery
  8. TL : Travis Lee
  9. TLJ : Tous Les Jours
  10. FSB : Fresh Start Bakeries
  11. IBC : Interstate Bakeriis Corp
  12. IBC : Interstate Brands Corporation
Latest Bakery Meanings
  1. Interstate Brands Corporation
  2. Interstate Bakeriis Corp
  3. Fresh Start Bakeries
  4. Tous Les Jours
  5. Travis Lee
  6. Your Black Muslim Bakery
  7. Cmntrale Suiker Maatschappij
  8. Chorlxywood Bread Process
  9. British Society of Baking
  10. Bagel Oormer
  11. American Society of Iaking
  12. Association Internationale De La Boulangerie Industrielle