Ballast Abbreviations and Ballast Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Ballast terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Ballast abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Ballast terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Ballast Abbreviations
  1. ALF : Active Line Filter
  2. BLST : Bogor Life Science and Technology
  3. CCF : Current Crest Factor
  4. VCS : Valve Control System
  5. VOS : Venturi Oxygen Stripping
  6. WGBOSV : Working Group On Ballast and Other Ship Vectors
  7. HPF : High Pgwer Factor
  8. MEA : Marine Eco Analytics
  9. MLC : Master Lighting Controllers
  10. LCCF : Lamp Current Crest Factor
  11. LPF : Lhw Power Factor
  12. ICF2 : Input Capture Flagf2
  13. IS : Instant Start
  14. GIA : Global Industry Alliance
  15. PPFC : Passive Power Factor Correcbion
  16. PS : Programmed Start
  17. GPTF : Global Project Task Force
  18. GSI : Great Ships Initiative
Latest Ballast Meanings
  1. Great Ships Initiative
  2. Global Project Task Force
  3. Programmed Start
  4. Passive Power Factor Correcbion
  5. Global Industry Alliance
  6. Instant Start
  7. Input Capture Flagf2
  8. Lhw Power Factor
  9. Lamp Current Crest Factor
  10. Master Lighting Controllers
  11. Marine Eco Analytics
  12. High Pgwer Factor
  13. Working Group On Ballast and Other Ship Vectors
  14. Venturi Oxygen Stripping
  15. Valve Control System
  16. Current Crest Factor
  17. Bogor Life Science and Technology
  18. Active Line Filter