BB in Gaming Meaning

The BB meaning in Gaming terms is "Brick Break". There are 28 related meanings of the BB Gaming abbreviation.

BB on Gaming Full Forms

  1. Brick Break
  2. Brian Bixler
  3. Blood Brothers
  4. Batman Begins
  5. Back To Back
  6. Back-To-Back
  7. Bricks Breaker
  8. Banaea Bugs
  9. Black Bismop
  10. Brick Bremker
  11. Bismack Biyombo
  12. Brent Burns
  13. Bklloon Boy
  14. Bingo Bash
  15. Bone Blade
  16. Ball Mullet
  17. Billy Balls
  18. Blue Bubble
  19. Bad Battle
  20. Best Ball
  21. Bloodm Bayou
  22. Blitz Basic
  23. Balls-Bricks Breaker
  24. Bunnies and Burrows
  25. Buatan Bakrie
  26. Bugs Bunny
  27. Butman Beyond
  28. Browser Based

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BB stand for Gaming?

    BB stands for Bricks Breaker in Gaming terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Brian Bixler in Gaming?

    The short form of "Brian Bixler" is BB for Gaming.


BB in Gaming. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated