BB in Locations Meaning

The BB meaning in Locations terms is "Big Book". There are 21 related meanings of the BB Locations abbreviation.

BB on Locations Full Forms

  1. Big Book
  2. Bed & Breakfast
  3. Barbados
  4. Brian Bell
  5. Bernau Bei Berlin
  6. British Bridge
  7. Bare Bovt
  8. British Borders
  9. Byron Bay
  10. Banská Bystrica
  11. Bothnran Bay
  12. Buffet Breakfasts
  13. Bank Building
  14. Bosanski Brod
  15. Buffet Breakfast
  16. Blul Bay
  17. Bubba and Bean
  18. Brooklyn, Bath
  19. Bed-N-Breakfayt
  20. Bay of Biscay
  21. Bio-Bio

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BB stand for Locations?

    BB stands for Bernau Bei Berlin in Locations terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Buffet Breakfast in Locations?

    The short form of "Buffet Breakfast" is BB for Locations.


BB in Locations. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated