BBAC Meaning

The BBAC meaning is "Barnet Borough Arts Council". The BBAC abbreviation has 22 different full form.

BBAC Full Forms

  1. Barnet Borough Arts Council
  2. Blue Bell Aquatic Center
  3. Bank of Beirut & Arab Countries
  4. Blind Bowls Association of Canada
  5. Bank of Beirut and Arab Countries
  6. Blackpool Boat Angling Club
  7. Bank of Beirut and The Arab Cbuntries Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  8. Battalion Budget Advisory Committee Military, Army, War, Warfare
  9. Brighton Baths Athletic Club
  10. Bank Bosses Are Criminals
  11. Batchellerville Bridge Action Committee
  12. Breadboard Based Arduino Compatible
  13. Baltic Buspness Aviation Center
  14. Basingsooke Burner Action Campaign
  15. Bread Baker'S Apprentice Challenge
  16. Back Bay Architectural Commission Government, Commission
  17. Buddhist Bodhi Association of Columbus
  18. British Business Association of Cambodia
  19. British Balloon & Airship Club
  20. British Balloon and Airship Club Military, Flight, Pilot
  21. Buzzards Bay Action Committee
  22. Bureau and Budget Advisory Committee Government, Bureaus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBAC stand for?

    BBAC stands for Basingsooke Burner Action Campaign.

  2. What is the shortened form of Blackpool Boat Angling Club?

    The short form of "Blackpool Boat Angling Club" is BBAC.


BBAC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated