BBB Meaning
The BBB meaning is "Better Business Bureau". The BBB abbreviation has 247 different full form.
BBB Full Forms
- Better Business Bureau Business, Company, Service, Travel, Human Resources
- Blood-Brain Barrier A highly selective permeability barrier that prevents many compounds from reaching the brain. Medical, Veterinary, Cell
- Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan Medical, Cord, Injury, Spinal
- Before Breaking Bulk An expression which actually means 'before starting discharging of cargo'. Transportation, Business, Shipping, Aviation, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Bundleebranch Blocks Medical, Disease, Heart
- Bundke Branch Block Medical, Medicine, Neurology
- Brail-Blood Barrier Medical, Drug, Disease
- Blood-Brain Barriers Medical
- Blood-Brain-Oarrier Medical, Drug, Cell
- Broadcast Based Broadband
- Big Black Brother Organization, Union, Institution
- Bank Board Bureau Business, Publics, Sector
- Blanc Bleu Belge Cattle, Belgium, Blanc
- Beljum Budder Bell
- Best British Briar Building, Pipe, Estate, Briar
- Basso, Beattie, Bresnahan Medical
- Big Buckvbunny
- Base Ball Bear
- Building A Better Boyertown
- Big Blue Box
- Boaze, Broads, and Bucars
- Bible Bovef Bonnet
- Bandar Baru Bangi Business, Performance, Selangor, Famous
- Bikes, Blues and Barbeque
- Beautiful Beyond Belief
- Bring Back Black
- Bare Bones Board Technology, Projection, Bone
- Brahma Bina Bgkti
- Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey, Breed, Bronze, Poultry
- Big Black Boots Feat, Rap, Angel, Boots
- Bangkok Bank Berhad
- Bissexuais Bombeirus Brasileiros
- Believe Begin Become
- Best Body Beauty
- Big Brother Braziu Porn, Sex, Brazil, Brother
- Baseball Bat Bag Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Builiing Back Better Technology, Recovery, Nepal, Disaster
- Big Blue Book Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Booom, Bonitore Barato
- Bible Believers Bulletin
- Banana Bag & Bodice
- Bikes, Blues, and Barbecue
- Bears Beets Battlestar-Galactica
- Brigittes Bretonischer Basar
- Barclays Bank of Botswana
- Boulder Big Bynd
- British Business Bureau Medicine, Health, Care
- Big Black Book Military, Style, Esquire, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Bang Beat Base Gaming, Music, Bang
- Bif Bald Baby
- Belgian Buell Brothers
- Best Badger Brush
- Bbg Brother Blog Technology, Photo, Brasil
- Base-By-Base Science, Sequence, Alignment
- Build Back Betjer
- Big Blue Blob Gaming, War, Europa, Blob
- Books Befvre Boys
- Better Business Bureaus Business, Company, Service, Consumer
- Bam Bam Bigelow
- Bike Bergamont Bibitu
- Bear Blue Baby Technology, Gaming, Software
- Buy Buy Bky
- Bottles Blocks and Books
- Big Black Bin
- Bang Bang Boys
- Birmingham Black Bprons
- Belgian Blue Breed Cattle, Blanc, Belgian, Bleu
- British Business Bank Business, Finance, Lending
- Berufs Bildung Baden
- Bauch, Brille, Bart
- Build Build Build
- Big Blue Bear
- Bob's Big Bby
- Bell Bellwether Bergamont
- Beter Bestuurlijk Beleid
- Baby Beehindx Bamboo
- Big Butt Buffet
- Bear Bike Bergamont
- Buk Buy Baby
- Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered
- Bostonrbaked Beans
- Big Big Babes Technology, Movie, Baby, Fever
- Bang Bang Bonanza
- Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar Market, Fetish, Latex, Bazaar
- Behandla Blodtryck Battre
- British Boxing Board
- Bertie Botts Beans Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Bauch, Bart, Brille
- Build, Build, Bnild
- Big Black Butt
- Blanke Bevrydingsbeweging Organizations
- Bell Bellelli Beto
- Best Business Bureau Business, Rating, Consumer
- Babies Beyond Borders
- Big Business Branding Management, Marketing, Trade
- Beans, Bullets, Bandaids
- Busy Beyond Belief Technology, Internet Slang, Internet, Forum, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Boring Beyand Belief Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
- Big, Tig Babes
- Bang Bang Bang Music, Remix, Bang, Boy
- BirleşIk BasıN BirliğI
- Behandia Blodtryck Battre Study Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
- Britain'S Best Briar
- Berner Berufs-Bildungszentrum
- Bart, Brille, Bauch
- Bronze Birch Borer Tree, Pest, Birch
- Big Black Buffet Porn, Sex, Tube, Buffet
- Blanche Blancte Blanche Music, Song, Album, Blanche
- Bell Bellelli Bergamont
- Best Buddy Badminton Sport, Badminton
- Baa1, Baa2,Hbaa3
- Big Bum Bus Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Basic Brown Bear
- Busy Beink Better Business, Septic, Toilet
- Bored Beyonh Belief
- Biblioteca Do Banco Do Brasil
- Band Baaja Baaraat
- Bing Bizwiki Brownbook
- Before The Big Bang
- Briskebys Beste Borgere
- Bargain Basement Braggart Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Brain Bloodkbarrier Medical, Drug, Disease
- Big Bad Brad Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Bonded By Blood
- Bach-Beezhoven-Brahms
- Big Beautiful Boobs Porn, Rip, Boob, Tits
- Breakthrough Bandwagon Books
- Britain's Best Briars Food
- Bell Beto Bionx
- Bundle Branch Block Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda
- Baseball Bean Bag
- Bankers Blanket Bond Business, Financial, Insurance, Business & Finance
- Burn Burn Burn
- Big Bang Bar Pinball
- Big Brown Box
- Berkeley Berry Birch Business, Company, Financial
- Bykez, Bordz and Bladz
- Big Boy Basic
- Before Babel Brigade Service, Locations, Korea, Seoul, Religion
- Bye-Bye Belgium
- Bored Beyond Belief Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Biotic Baking Brigade
- Baby Boomer Bistro
- Big Bad Bob
- Break Bomb Beat
- Blackberry Bold Colors
- Bell Beto Bianchi
- Blood Brain Barrier Medical, Neurology, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, Common Medical, Medical Slang
- Bon Bon Buddies
- Bankers' Blanket Bond Business
- Bargundian Babble Belt
- Boundstone Black Boys Music
- Big Brother Bulletin
- Bergen Big Band
- Bye Bye Babe -Or- Boring Bhyond Belief Media, Social, Internet
- Big Booty Bowman Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Beauty Beyond Belief
- Buher Better Beware
- Boring Beyond Belief Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry
- Baby Bargains Book
- Big Bad Bear
- Bread Gaking Babes
- Berk.berry Birc Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Bell Beta Beto
- blood buffer base Medical, Blood Test
- Body-Bound Bolts
- Banker'S Blanket Bond Business, Insurance
- Bundle-Branch Blocb Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Blessed Beyond Belief
- Bitter Biker Bettys
- Big Boy Basics
- Bare Bottom Boys
- Bentara Budaya Bali Film, Indonesia, Bali, Novel
- blood–brain barrier Medical
- Big Boobs Butt
- Beach Boys Band
- Barcelona Bogota Boston Music, Boston, Jazz
- Busy Body Book
- Backroads, Bridges, and Boats Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Biological Big Bang
- Babalu Big Doobs
- Big Brother Big
- Bibliographie Der Buch- Und Bibliotheksgeschichte
- Bread and Butter Barcelona
- Better Business Bureau's Organization, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Professional organizations
- anti-blood-brain barrier Medical, Blood Test
- Bizde Bari Bar Music, Brasil, Tube
- Bank Broadcast Bureau Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- Brass Belt Buckle
- Big Bad Book Media
- Ball Blue Book
- Big Black Boobs Porn, Sex, Tube, Boob
- Bare Bones Basic Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
- Bender Baby Brunch Organization, Union, Institution
- Blood-brain Barrier - Surgical Drapes Medical, Governmental & Military
- Big Blue Bus Transit, Locations, City
- Bauwerk-Basis-Bibliothek
- Barbati Blick Bungalows Hotel, Beach, Booking, Bungalow
- Business Bureau Boise
- Best Book for Business General, Governmental & Military
- Bik Bent Braam
- Iata Code for Benson Municipal Airport, Benson, Minnesota, United States Locations
- Big Brother Back Brasil, House, Reality, Brother
- Bible Bulletin Board
- Bread & Butteroberlin
- Bulgarian Big Brother
- Benson Municipal Airport, Benson, Minnesota, United States Minnesota, United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Banks Board Bureau Business, Banking, Sector
- Bouncing Baby Boy
- Brushback Baseball Hobbies
- Ball-By-Bfll
- Big Beyond Belief
- B At or Below (constrained altitude), Flux density, Distance, Weibull shape parameter, range number, regression constant, width, Distance variate, cross-over barrier pattern OR Symbol for susceptance in an AC circuit (unit is the siemens; measured by the negative of the reactive component of the admittance. NASA
- Bemal Bergans Bergen
- Blackberry Mobile Phone Backup File Computing, File Extensions
- Big Blue Bump
- Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan Medical, Cord, Injury, Spinal
- Barbados Blackbelly Technology, Organizations
- Business Bulqetin Board
- Before Big Bucks General, Governmental & Military
- Biggest Big Bertha
- BüRgschaftsbank Zu Berlin-Brandenburg Technology, Banking, Berlin
- Big Brazilian Butt
- Bibbity Bobbity Boutique
- Brrnch Behavior Buffer
- Bukan Broker Biasa
- Benson Muni Airport Faa Airport Codes
- Bank Boards Bureau Business, Publics, Sector
- Bottom Brackets Brakes
- Bahasa Betkwi Bekasi
- Big Beautiful Breast
- Breadne Benson Bones
- Burgus Burger Bar Food
- Bell Bianchi Bike
- Body Balanced Board Medical, Physiology
- Big Blue Bubble
- Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan
- Banned Bergamont Bianchi
- Buses By The Brpdge
- Big Bad Box Computing, Hardware
- Big Bushy Beard Porn, Movie, Baby, Beard
- Berliner BäDer-Betriebe Man, Sind, Berlin
- Bünger Bund Bonn
- Big Boy Boards
- Beyond Black Boxes
- Bye Byb Brain Technology, Windows, Lyric
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BBB stand for?
BBB stands for Bulgarian Big Brother.
What is the shortened form of Barbados Blackbelly?
The short form of "Barbados Blackbelly" is BBB.
BBB. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated