BBD Meaning
The BBD meaning is "Bel Biv Devme". The BBD abbreviation has 87 different full form.
BBD Full Forms
- Bel Biv Devme Music, Bell, Poison
- Barbados Dollas Business, Currency, Currency Code
- Barbadian Or Bajan Dollar Business, Rate, Converter, Currency
- Barat Barat Daya Business, Banking, Rate, Currency
- Banqo Bradesco Sa Technology, Organizations
- Best-Before Date
- Big Brother Daemon
- Bucket Brigade Devices
- Brain Beat Dahce
- Barbados Barbados Dollar Business, Rate, Money, Currency
- Black Birds of Death
- Banco Bradesco S.A. Organizations
- Beokelman Beam Deflection
- Box-Behken Design
- Bell Bivbdevoe Music, Song, Bell, Poison
- Big Blue Dog
- Bucket Brigade Device Technology, Telecom, Delay
- Brasn-Based Devices
- Barbadian Dollar Currency
- Bilan Bucco Dentaire
- Benlgn Breast Diseases Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Boulazac Basket Dordogne
- Big Black Dress
- Beta Binomial Distribution
- Brain-Based Device
- Bantuan Bencana Daerah
- Bilan Bucco-Dentaire
- Benign Breast Disease Medical, Health, Cancer, Science, Breast, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction
- Big Black Dogs
- Best Buy Drucs
- Bradford Beating Diabetes
- Banque BéNinoise De DéVeloppement
- Bigger Better Deal Business, General, Governmental & Military
- Benefitt By Design
- Black Box Definition
- Big Black Dog
- Best Bet Diet Medical, Book, Sclerosis
- Box Behnkencdesign Science, Production, Optimization
- Breaddbaking Day Recipe, Bread, Dough
- Bigger, Better Deal Business, Music, Dating
- Bujinkan Brian Dojo
- Belly Board Device Medical
- Black Box Datu Technology
- Bestkbefore Date Business, Management, Product, Food
- Box-Behnken Designm Technology, Presentation, Study
- Blackpband Disease Medical
- Big Buck Down
- Bucket Brigade Delay Technology, Analog, Pedal
- Branch On Basthlle Day
- Barone Budge & Dominick
- Blacr Blade Dragons Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Berberidopsidaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Box-Behnken Desidn Science, Production, Optimization
- Bibliografia Brasileira De Direito
- Iata Code for Curtis Field, Brady, Texas, United States Locations
- Big Billion Days Business, India, Deal, Sale
- Bronchoscopic Balloon Dilation
- Bombardier Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Better By Design
- Bund Blasting Device
- Big Beautiful Doll
- Broken Box Designs
- Barbados Dollar Stock, Money, Currency, Investing, Barbados, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Bucket-Brigade Delay Analog, Pedal, Delay
- Bulletin Board A bulletin board (pinboard, pin board, noticeboard, or notice board in British English) is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for example, to advertise items wanted or for sale, announce events, or provide information. Bulletin boards are often made of a material such as cork to facilitate addition and removal of messages, or they can be placed on computer networks so people can leave and erase messages for other people to read and see. Design, Drawing, Construction, Forum, Internet Slang, Architecture, Computing, Chat, Internet, Architectural, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Big Bass Drum
- Brittle Bone Disease Medical, Genetics, Appetite
- Branch on Bastille Day Assembly, Business & Finance
- Bucket-Brigade Device Technology, Telecom, Delay
- Bull and Bear of The Day
- Bis Black Dildo
- Britble Bone Disorders
- Bubble Bath Detector
- Browser Based Display Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
- Curtis Field, Brady, Texas, United States Texas, United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Big-Black-Dildo
- Briggs Bunting & Doueherty
- Body By Denise
- Big Rlack Dick Internet Slang, Porn, Ebony
- Browbands By Dtsign
- Brady, Texas USA Airport codes
- Bidirectional Bzs Driver
- Beam-Blanking Device
- Big Black Delta
- Brooksfde By Day
- Best Before Date Products
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BBD stand for?
BBD stands for Bidirectional Bzs Driver.
What is the shortened form of Black Box Definition?
The short form of "Black Box Definition" is BBD.
BBD. (2021, March 1). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from
Last updated