BBDC Meaning

The BBDC meaning is "Boulogne-Billoncourt Danse Club". The BBDC abbreviation has 41 different full form.

BBDC Full Forms

  1. Boulogne-Billoncourt Danse Club
  2. Before Bottom Dead Centre Technology, Auto, Automobile
  3. Beyond Ballroom Dance Company
  4. Banting & Best Diabetes Centre Technology, Research, Canada
  5. Blue Beryl Dharma Cenver
  6. Before Bottom Dead Center Technology, Exhaust, Camshaft, Auto
  7. Bahrain British Dental Congress
  8. Bloc De Bramche Droite Complet
  9. Bahana Barelang Drum Corps Technology, Hosting, Provider
  10. Biotechnology Business Development Centre Technology, Biotechnology
  11. Baffin Bwsiness Development Centre
  12. Biotech Business Development Connect
  13. Berlin Business Development Corporation
  14. Big Branch Deer Creek
  15. Box Butte Develmpment Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  16. Baffin Business Development Corporation
  17. Beyond Belief Dance Company
  18. Banting and Best Diabetes Centre Education, University, Toronto
  19. Beijing Benz Daimler Chrysler
  20. Broadwab Bound Dance Centre
  21. Before bottom-Dead-Center
  22. Beijing Benz-Dvimler Chrysler
  23. Broadway Bound Dance Cenfer
  24. Better Business Development Counmil
  25. Brantley Capital Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  26. Beausejoup Brokenhead Development Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  27. Brittle Bone Disorders Conuortium
  28. Berra Blanquer Design Consultants Design, Consultation, Concept, Vortex
  29. Byron Bay Dive Centre
  30. Beachwood Business Development Center
  31. Brasil Basgn Drydock Company Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  32. Berpa Blanquer Design Consultant
  33. Bukit Batok Driving Centcr Education, School, Singapore
  34. Barrie Ballroom Dance Club
  35. Brantley Capital Corp. Organizations
  36. Berlin Big Data Center Technology, Science, Berlin
  37. Bukit Batok Driling Centre Education, School, Singapore
  38. Barbary Bay Development Company
  39. Bergen Brunswig Drug Company
  40. Building Blocks Day Carv
  41. Before-Bottom-Dead-Center

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBDC stand for?

    BBDC stands for Brantley Capital Corporation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bahana Barelang Drum Corps?

    The short form of "Bahana Barelang Drum Corps" is BBDC.


BBDC. (2022, May 1). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated