BBG Meaning

The BBG meaning is "Beautiful Baby Girl". The BBG abbreviation has 67 different full form.

BBG Full Forms

  1. Beautiful Baby Girl Internet Slang
  2. Bay of Bengal Gateway Locations, Cable, Submarine
  3. Baltic Blue Growth
  4. BahíA Bizkaia Gas
  5. BahíA De Bizkaia Gas
  6. B'Nai B'Rith Girls
  7. Bovine Brain Gangliosides Medical
  8. Barclays Bank Ghana Business, Technology, Ghana
  9. Browser-Based Game Technology, Portal, Play
  10. Body By Glamour
  11. Broadcasting Board Governors Technology, Government, Media
  12. Bootstrap Button Generator
  13. Barclays Bank of Ghana
  14. Brown Bottling Group
  15. Body Builders Gym
  16. Bootsbau Berlin Gmbh Technology, Berlin, Boat
  17. Barcelona Born Gourmet
  18. Brown Baby Girl
  19. Belgian Blue Group Organizations, Cattle, Blanc
  20. Boost-By-Gear Technology, Hosting, Turbo
  21. Bangka Botanical Garden Indonesia, Locations, Trip
  22. Brotherhood of Blessed G
  23. Beauty Business Group
  24. Butler Burgher Group
  25. Bonita Bay Group
  26. British Business Groups Business, Trading, India, Dubai
  27. Brooklyn Botantic Garden
  28. Beautiful Beads and Gifts
  29. Browser Based Games
  30. Bollmeyer Bau Gmbh
  31. British Business Group Organizations, Dubai, Emirate
  32. Brooklyn Botanic Garden Plant, Locations, Visitor, Botany, Scientific & Educational, Museums
  33. Branson Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Faa Airport Codes
  34. Bradford & Bingley Group
  35. Bare Back Greek
  36. Browser Based Game
  37. Boing Boing Gadgets Technology, Apple, Editor
  38. Boys By Girls Girl, Magazine, Issue
  39. Broke Behind Gate
  40. Broadcasting Board of Governors Government, Governmental & Military
  41. Baby Blood Group Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  42. Bill Barrett Corporation Technology, Organizations
  43. Brennan Beer Gorman
  44. Best Be Going Internet Slang, Slang, Internet
  45. Business Builders Group
  46. Birmingham Botanical Gardens Botany, Scientific & Educational
  47. Battleship Battle Group Military, Army, War, Intelligence, Warfare, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  48. Brazilian Best Granite
  49. Beijing Botanical Garden China, Beijing, Garden
  50. Broadcast Board of Governors Government, Media, Broadcasting
  51. Business Brokers Group
  52. Butaritari Atoll, Butaritari Atoll, Kiribati Kiribati, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  53. Braun Beteiligungen Gmbh
  54. Guided Missile Battleship Ship, Hull Code, Surface Combatant
  55. British Brands Group Business, University, Consumer
  56. Business Brokerage Group
  57. Butaritari, Republic of Kiribati Airport codes
  58. Braun Beteiligungs Gmbh Business, Company, Science, Pharma
  59. Bright Bright Great Technology, Design, Chicago
  60. Business Benefits Group
  61. Billabong International Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  62. Brandenburgische Boden Gesellschaft
  63. Bright Blue Gorilla
  64. Business Banking Group Business, Management, Development
  65. Baggage claim information Transportation, Flight, Flight Status
  66. Brevet Brigadier General Military, Army, United States, Military Rank
  67. Blissfully Before Government

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBG stand for?

    BBG stands for Best Be Going.

  2. What is the shortened form of Baby Blood Group?

    The short form of "Baby Blood Group" is BBG.


BBG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated