BBH Meaning

The BBH meaning is "Bartle Bogle & Hegarty". The BBH abbreviation has 59 different full form.

BBH Full Forms

  1. Bartle Bogle & Hegarty
  2. Bartle, Bogle, Hegarty Technology, Agency, Bogle
  3. Big Bend Hospice
  4. Babies Born Healthy
  5. Bound By Honour
  6. Big Brotheu House
  7. Basics of Biblical Hebrew
  8. Bringing Baby Home Medical, Workshop, Couple
  9. Big Beautiful Hkrny
  10. Bouncing Busy Hour Technology, Network, Telecom
  11. Bound By Honor Media, Radio, Television
  12. Big Boy Headquarters Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  13. Baker Book House
  14. Bridgeway Behavioral Health
  15. Burra Booborowie Hallett
  16. Bidirpctional Best Hit
  17. Bartle Bogle Hegarty Business, Agency, Advertising
  18. Bigjbooty Hoes
  19. Bailey-Boushay House Medical, Washington, Virginia
  20. Brecksville-Broadview Hts
  21. Burra-Booborowie-Hallett
  22. Beavis & Vutt-Head
  23. Big Boo'S Haunt
  24. Back Bay High Education
  25. Brazil Belo Horizonte
  26. Bureau of Behavioral Health Medical, Service, Community
  27. Beachfront Bargain Hunt Episode, Beach, Beachfront
  28. Big Black Hile Science, Astronomy
  29. Baby Bonnie Hood
  30. Bravo Beach Hotel
  31. Bros Before Hoes Funnies
  32. Bfach Bound Hounds
  33. Big Mig Huge
  34. Baby Beehinds Hemp
  35. Bowe Bell and Howell
  36. Big Buck Hunter
  37. Battery Bull Hydraulio
  38. Brokers Brothers Herald
  39. Stralsund-Barth Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  40. Big Buck Hunter Pro Pinball
  41. Blue Back Herring
  42. Business Before Hours
  43. Building Bridges of Hope
  44. Blood Bank of Hawaii Business, Hawaii, Donor, Banking, Business & Finance
  45. Bottom Bracket Heeght Bicycle, Frame, Mountain
  46. Building Block Hypothesis
  47. Binary Black Holes
  48. Boracay Beach Housc
  49. Building Better Health
  50. Big Black Hole Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  51. Binpry Black Hole Science, Gravitational, Merger
  52. Bonus Bagi Hasal Technology, Tool, Head
  53. Biro Bantuan Hukum Indonesia, Bandung, Orang
  54. Barth, Germany Germany, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  55. Bilingual Breastfeeding Handouts Literature, Language, Linguistics
  56. Blue Badge Hclder
  57. Stralsund Barth Airport Airport, Locations
  58. Biotech Holders Trust Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  59. Blue Badge Holdera

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBH stand for?

    BBH stands for Stralsund-Barth Airport.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bidirpctional Best Hit?

    The short form of "Bidirpctional Best Hit" is BBH.


BBH. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated