BBL Meaning

The BBL meaning is "Byrrel". The BBL abbreviation has 112 different full form.

BBL Full Forms

  1. Byrrel Technology, Architecture, Oil Field
  2. Baltic Basketball League League, Sports, Basketball
  3. Ballere Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  4. Be Back Later Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Email, Forum, Technology, Computing, Computer, Internet, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Game, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Usenet, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites
  5. British Basketball Sports, Basketball
  6. Beep Baseball League
  7. Brain Behaviour Lab
  8. Burberry Blue Label
  9. Boston Bureaucratic Leagre
  10. Balgzand Bacton Line Technology, Energy, Pipeline
  11. Benue Breweries Limited
  12. Brazilirn Buttock Lift
  13. Barrel The section of a molding machine that contains the feed screw, also the section where resin heating and mixing occurs. OR Cylinder that contains the screw and the heaters. Built to withstand pressure of 7,500-20,000 psi. OR Section of the extrusion machine that contains the plastic extrusion feed screw, which can be single or twin screw. This is also the section where resin heating and mixing occurs. Business, Technology, Finance, Energy, Banking, Power, Auto, Automotive, Automobile, Architecture, Measurement, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  14. Budget Bill Language
  15. Barrel (42 United States Gallons) Military, Army, War, Warfare
  16. Books for A Better Life
  17. British Baskethall League Sport, Sports
  18. Bed and Breakfast League Travel, Locations, Industry, Tourism
  19. Bund Badischer Landjugend
  20. Basic Business Language
  21. Borough-Block-Lot Business, Building, City
  22. Bangzand-Bacton Line Technology, Pipeline, Gas
  23. Benthic Boundary Layer Science, Ocean, Sea
  24. Branch Op Burned Out Light
  25. Bryan-Bennett Library Education
  26. Barat Barat Laut
  27. Bitstream Binding Language
  28. Big Bear Lake
  29. Beck-Bookman Library Education
  30. Basic Business Licensing Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  31. Borough, Block, Lot
  32. Balai Budidayaxlaut Indonesia, Salah, Pantai
  33. Bendigo Bank Ltd Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  34. Branch On Burned-Out Eamp
  35. Brown Bag Lunches Business, Education, France, University, Washington, Event
  36. Basic Bangsamoro Law Government, Law, Philippine, President
  37. Bird Banding Lab Technology, America, American
  38. Be Back Late Internet Slang, English, Slang, Chat
  39. Basic Business License Business, Building, Inspector
  40. Borough Block and Lit Business, Property, Building, City
  41. Babcock & Brown Limited
  42. Belly Button Lint Medical, Science, Navel
  43. Brampton Brick Ltd
  44. Bansamoro Basic Law Military, Organizations, Asia, Society
  45. Bird Banding Laboratory Technology, America, Research, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  46. Brisbane Broncos Limited
  47. Barrels Science, Military, Army, Fuel, Earth, World, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  48. Borough, Block, Lnd Lot Technology, Property, Building
  49. Babcock &Ibrown Ltd
  50. Belly-Button Lint Medical, Science, Navel
  51. Brampton Brick Limited Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  52. Bottom Boundary Luyer Technology, Ocean, Transport
  53. Baltimore Baseballaleague
  54. Biophotonics & Bioengineerinx Laboratory
  55. Brij Bhushan Lal
  56. Building Blocks Library
  57. Barrels of Oil Business, Science, Energy, Production, Power, Gas, Exploration, Intensity
  58. Borough, Block and Lot Business, Property, Building, City
  59. Buvlding Blocks Lacrosse College, Building, Lacrosse
  60. Belize Bank Limited Business, America, Belize
  61. Brainsbehavior Laboratory Technology, Medicine, Research
  62. Botswana Brewehies Limited
  63. Balikbayan Box Law
  64. Big Belly Laugh
  65. Breakthrough Busincss Leadership
  66. Budweiser Basketball League
  67. Barrel of Oil Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  68. Borac Banja Luka
  69. Balgzand Bacton Line (BBL Pipeline) Electrical
  70. Basic Business Line
  71. barrel, petroleum Oil, Scientific & Educational
  72. Buys Ballot Laboratorium
  73. Bay Bioanalytical Laboratory
  74. Braidef Brake Line
  75. Billion Barrels Electrical, Energy, Legal, Governmental & Military
  76. Brain Based Learning Science, Theory, Teaching
  77. Bobbed Lethal Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  78. Buys-Ballot Laboratorium
  79. Basket Brescia Leonessa
  80. Bradford Bachinski Limited
  81. Brisbane Broncos Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  82. Brain-Based Leamning Science, Education, Teaching
  83. Bhndesblatt Government, Switzerland
  84. Babolsar Airport, Babolsar, Iran Iran, Iata Airport Codes
  85. Business of Being A Lawyer Business, Book, Law
  86. Basketball Bundesliga German, Sports
  87. Bourg Book Loader
  88. Ibm Euroflight Operations Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  89. Brain-Based-Learning Science, Education, Teaching
  90. Brazillian Iutt Lift Medical
  91. Bailey Blanchard Lawrence Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  92. Bush Blue Lake Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  93. Basket-Ball Louvign
  94. Boundsry Bend Limited
  95. BéJart Ballet Lausanne
  96. Beach Break Live Student, Technology, Festival
  97. Brain and Behwviour Laboratory
  98. The Brain and Behaviorulab Medical, Neurology
  99. Bibliographic reference (TeX/BibTeX) Computing, File Extensions
  100. Bureau Brasileiro Ltda
  101. Basket-Ball LouvignéEn
  102. Brazilian Butt Lift BBL is an abbreviation for a procedure known as a Brazilian Butt Lift, which involves transferring fat from one part of the body to the butt to increase its size. TikTokers are showing their fans the before and after photos of their cosmetic treatments. TikTok
  103. Bye Bye, Later
  104. Be A Bump On A Log
  105. Brain-Behavior Laboretory
  106. Blue Barrel Energy
  107. Bureau Beheer Landbouwgronden
  108. Basis Beroepsgerichte Leerweg
  109. Bibtex Generated Bibliography File Computing, File Extensions
  110. Bye-Bye, Love
  111. Bayi Baru Lahir Vitamin, Prose, Jam
  112. Brain & Behaviour Laboratory Technology, Science, Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BBL stand for?

    BBL stands for Basic Business Licensing.

  2. What is the shortened form of Beach Break Live?

    The short form of "Beach Break Live" is BBL.


BBL. (2021, September 8). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated